Monday, September 30, 2019

Figurative Language

Stephany Vielman March 12, 2013 Prophets and Figurative Language Jeremiah was a prophet called upon by God at a very young age to do His work. Jeremiah spoke against those who disobeyed God and spoke on the consequences of sin. He had a very hard job of trying to get the people of God to obey Him once again and to get them to stop sinning against Him. Jeremiah used figurative language to tell stories and to explain to the people what was going to happen if they continued to sin.What is the difference between a figurative and a literal analogy?The natural imagery that Jeremiah uses can be seen as useful in getting his point across to the disobedient people because he used it to paint a scary picture of how God would devour the people, but he was also able to paint a peaceful picture of how he was like a lamb; all while using things that were relevant and ordinary to them so that it made sense to them.In Jeremiah 5:14 we see nature being used figuratively as a force of destruction, â⠂¬Å"Because they have spoken this word, I am now making my words in your mouth a fire, and this people wood, and the fire shall devour them. † God is very explicit here and you have no doubt in what he wants to do to the people. He uses very simple forces of nature that are relevant and known to the people. You know that God is upset because he uses the word â€Å"devour,† where as He could have used â€Å"burn,† but the word itself shows the force He is willing to strike with. Fire† and â€Å"wood† are elements that are known and when put together we know what happens, so it was useful to put these together so that the people can see how great God is. The â€Å"fire† is not even God’s own actions, but His words put into Jeremiah’s mouth, so it leaves you to imagine and wonder what would happen if it was coming straight from God, without an intermediate. The book of Jeremiah is filled with terrifying figurative language of destru ction and death so it is hard to find a positive example of natural imagery.In Jeremiah 11:19, Jeremiah compares himself to a lamb and a tree with fruit, which is a very nice choice for natural imagery, but what is said to be done against the lamb is terrifying, â€Å"But I was a gentle lamb led to the slaughter, And I did not know it was against me that the devised schemes, saying, ‘Let us destroy the tree with fruit, let us cut him off from the land of the living, so that his name will no longer be remembered! ’† The choice of the lamb is positive because lambs re little, cute, and pure, and do no harm. Lambs are led by shepherds, but as we know, they are also killed for food or for sacrifice. In this case the lamb is led to be slaughtered, but just with the purpose of evil. Jeremiah is to be seen as obedient, pure, and holy since he obeys and follows God in every way possible, but the people of tired of him so they plan to kill him. He is also compared to a tr ee with fruit because he has a lot to offer to the people, such as life.The imagery usage of â€Å"with fruit† is important because it shows the tree serves with purpose, just like Jeremiah. It also shows that that tree is alive and in good soil, and instead of its fruit be eaten, the people will cut it off. Jeremiah’s job was already difficult as it was and it was necessary for him to use figurative language as a prophetic tool to get his message across to the people. I see it as effective because some people need to hear and see things in a different perspective that includes images of things that are relevant to them.The people would have listened less if Jeremiah would have spoken in prophetic language. The usage of nature is also very effective because it was a part of everyday life for them – fire, wind, trees, lambs, etc. There could be possible dangers involving imagery, such as someone not understand the concept because they were thrown off by the compa rison or being distracted by it as well, but Jeremiah used it well.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Freedom of the Press

Freedom of the Press – liberty to print or to otherwise disseminate information, as in print, by broadcasting, or through electronic media, without prior restraints such as licensing requirements or content review and without subsequent punishment for what is said. Freedom of the press or freedom of the media is the freedom of communication and expression through mediums including various electronic media and published materials. While such freedom mostly implies the absence of interference from an overreaching state, its preservation may be sought through constitutional or other legal protections.With respect to governmental information, any government may distinguish which materials are public or protected from disclosure to the public based on classification of information as sensitive, classified or secret and being otherwise protected from disclosure due to relevance of the information to protecting the national interest. Many governments are also subject to sunshine laws or freedom of information legislation that are used to define the ambit of national interest. Freedom of the press, which has been limited not only by governments but at times by churches, is bsolute in no country.In modern democracies it is rarely attacked by overt forms of censorship but is often compromised by governments' ability to withhold information, by self-censorship in reaction to various pressures, by selective government â€Å"leaking† of information or disinformation, and by other factors. In the United States, freedom of the press and the broader freedom of speech are protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution and are considered fundamental rights of the people. In practice, though, some kinds of speech and publication (e. g. bscenity or violations of copyright) are considered outside the amendment's purview, and others, like commercial speech (advertising or product claims), receive a reduced level of protection. In addition, broadcasters are subjec t to government licensing requirements. The protections to be afforded users of on-line computer services, the Internet, and other new means of publication are the focus of a developing debate; in 1996 a federal district court panel struck down the new Communications Decency Act, holding that Internet communications were entitled to he same degree of protection as printed communications.History Historically, restriction of the press has occurred in two ways. The first may be either censorship or mandatory licensing by the government in advance of publication; the second is punishment for printed material, especially that considered by the government to be seditious libel. Censorship of the press began not long after the invention of the printing press. Pope Alexander VI issued (1501) a notice requiring printers to submit copy to church authorities before publication, in order to prevent heresy.Penalties for bypassing the censors included fines and excommunication. Key Principles -Pu blishing was liberalized, with the law requiring only that publishers present their names to the authorities and deposit two copies of every work. -The authorities were ene the power to suppress newspapers. -This nad previously enabled prosecutions of critics of the government, monarchy and church, or of those who argued for controversial ideas on property rights. The scope of libel was severely reduced, with the criteria for defamation being much more tightly defined -A limited umber of â€Å"press offences† was retained, including outraging public morals, and insulting high-ranking public officials including the President of the Republic, heads of foreign states and ambassadors. Scope -It applies to statements made publicly, whether through oral or printed means. -In recent years, French courts have repeatedly ruled that the law also applies to defamatory content communicated via the World Wide Web.Defenses -Truth of the defamatory statement is available as a defense in mos t libel cases other than those concerning the privacy of the plaintiff. Where privacy is infringed, truth is not an absolute defense, though some latitude is permitted if the plaintiff is a public figure. – A plea of good faith is permitted by the courts in circumstances where the issues at stake concern matters of public interest. A defendant may be acquitted on that basis if the court is satisfied that the defendant has carried out at least a basic verification of the source of the information on which the defamatory statement is based.The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states: â€Å"Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes reedom to hold opinions without interference, and impart information and ideas through any media regardless of frontiers† This philosophy is usually accompanied by legislation ensuring various degrees of freedom of scientific research (known as scientific freedom), publishing, press and printing the d epth to which these laws are entrenched in a country's legal system can go as far down as its constitution.The concept of freedom of speech is often covered by the same laws as freedom of the press, thereby giving equal treatment to spoken and published expression. Freedom of the Press CONSTITUTIONAL GUARANTEETeodoro, et al on the book Freedom Of Expression And The Media In The Philippines Chapter I: History of Freedom of the Press demonstrated how the commitment to free speech and expression, the right to information and press freedom, with which the leaders of both the 19th century Philippine Reform Movement and the 1896 Revolution were familiar, was continued in the Malolos Constitution of the First Philippine Republic, this was nearly 115 years ago. These provisions did not only survived, but were expanded, in the country's subsequent Constitutions. The freedom of speech and expression, the right to information and press freedom were guaranteed in the Philippine Constitution as follows: The Malolos constitution guaranteed that no Filipino would be deprived of â€Å"the right to freely express his ideas or opinions, orally or in writing, through the use of press and similar means†.The guarantee of the 1987 Constitution in Section 4, Article 3 (Bill of Rig hts) which says that â€Å"No law shall be passed abridging the freedom of speech, of expression, or of the press or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and petition the government for redress of grievances.† Section 7 also states that â€Å"the right of the people to information on matters of public concern shall be recognized. Access to official records, and to documents, and papers pertaining to official acts, transactions or decisions, as well as to government research data used as basis for policy development shall be afforded to the citizen, subject to such limitations as may be provided by law† Another relevant provision is on Section 28, Article 2 which says that â€Å"subject to reasonable conditions prescribed by law, the State adopts and implements a policy of full public disclosure of all its transactions involving public interest.† In the same article, section 24, the constitution also says that â€Å"the State recognizes the vital role o f communication in nation building.†PRESS FREEDOM (PLUS RIGHT TO INFORMATION) EQUALS TO FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND EXPRESSIONClearly, you cannot talk about freedom of the press without mentioning the freedom of speech and expression and the right to  information. In an article on Human Rights Issues in Criminal Justice, it stated that â€Å"the concept of freedom of speech is often covered by the same laws as freedom of the press, thereby giving equal treatment to spoken and published expression.† Most have concluded that freedom of the press derives from freedom of speech.According to Chief Justice Warren E. Burger of the United States Supreme Court, conferring special status on the press requires that the courts or the government determine who or what the press is and what activities fall under its special protection. Burger further concluded that the free speech guarantees of the First Amendment (of the US Constitution) adequately ensure freedom of the press, and that t here is no need to distinguish between the two rights, simply â€Å"Because the First Amendment was meant to guarantee freedom to express and communicate ideas, I can see no difference between the right of those who seek to disseminate ideas by way of a newspaper and those who give lectures or speeches and seek to enlarge the audience by publication and wide dissemination.†IMPORTANCE OF EXERCISING FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND EXPRESSION, RIGHT TO INFORMATION AND PRESS FREEDOM TO THE FULLEST EXTENTWith relation to guarantees or assurances in the constitution, it is therefore essential that these freedom, the people of the Republic of Philippines enjoy must be exercised to the fullest extent as provided by the Philippine Constitution for the following benefits: 1. Individual’s unlimited access to the ideas of his fellow men in â€Å"a free and open encounter†. John Milton’s (an English civil servant for the Commonwealth of England under Oliver Cromwell) central ar gument was that â€Å"the individual is capable of using reason and distinguishing right from wrong, good from bad†, and that to be able to fully exercise this ration right is that â€Å"he must have unlimited access to the ideas of his fellow men in ‘a free and open encounter’†. It is in Milton’s pamphlet Areopagitica and other writings that the concept of the â€Å"open marketplace of ideas† was developed. This is the idea that when people argue against each other, the good arguments will prevail resulting to good judgment and decisions.2. Well-being of the society and its creation to becoming a good society. According to John Stuart Mill (an English philosopher, political economist  and civil servant) with his 19th century utilitarian viewpoint that â€Å"a good society is one in which the greatest number of persons enjoy the greatest possible amount of happiness†. And that attaining this amount of happiness is â€Å"to apply the general principles of liberty to freedom of expression†. Mill further stated that â€Å"if we silence an opinion, we may silence the truth†.As expressed in his book On Liberty: â€Å"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and one, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind†. In the words of the Committee to Protect Journalist: â€Å"Without a free press, few human rights are attainable. A strong press freedom environment encourages the growth of a robust civil society, which leads to stable, sustainable democracies and healthy social, political, and economic development.†3. Attainment of information from a diversity of sources, Decision making, and communication to the government. Rather than having the government establish and dictate the truth, freedom of speech enables the truth to emerge from diverse opi nions. Concurring in Whitney v. California (1927), Justice Louis Brandeis wrote that â€Å"freedom to think as you will and to speak as you think are means indispensable to the discovery and spread of political truth.†4. Facilitation of Majority Rule.On a communal level, it is through talking and gathering information that we encourage consensus, that we form a collective will. Whether the answers we reach are wise or foolish, free speech helps us ensure that the answers usually conform to what most people think. As stated by the World Association of Newspapers: â€Å"We have seen repeatedly throughout the world, that censorship and control of information serves the interest of a privileged few; the rule of law is negatively affected, human rights ignored and impunity and corruption unchecked. In contrast, a free, diverse and responsible media promotes transparency and accountability, informs public debate and helps to ensure governments address the concerns and aspirations of all citizens.†5. Improvement of the Means of Participation.On an individual level, speech and gathering information is the vehicle through which individuals debate the issues of the day, cast their votes, and actively join in the processes of decision-making that shape the polity. Free speech serves the individual’s right to join the political fray, to stand up and be counted, to be an active player in the democracy and not just a passive spectator.6. Embrace of the aspect of individualismIn the words of Justice Thurgood Marshall in the 1974 case Procunier v. Martinez, â€Å"The First Amendment serves not only the needs of the polity but also those of the human spirit – a spirit that demands self-expression.† Freedom of speech is the right to defiantly, robustly and irreverently speak one’s mind just because it is one’s mind. Freedom of speech is thus bonded in special and unique ways to the human capacity to think, imagine and create. Con science and consciousness are the sacred precincts of mind and soul.Freedom of speech is intimately linked to freedom of thought, to that central capacity to reason and wonder, hope and believe, that largely defines our humanity. (NOTE: The US First Amendment states that â€Å"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.†)WITH GREAT POWER COMES GREAT RESPONSIBILITYOn a recent article on about â€Å"Freedom of the Speech and Freedom of Press† it stated that â€Å"the freedom of the press, like freedom of speech, is not absolute. Notwithstanding the limitations placed on it, the press exercises enormous power and influence, and is burdened with commensurate responsibility†. Because journalists generally have access to more infor mation than does the average individual, they serve as the eyes, ears, and voice of the public. Some legal scholars even argue that the press is an important force in the democratic system of checks and balances. The job of a free press, the article added; is to â€Å"keep an eye on the government†, to make sure it stays â€Å"honest and responsive† to the people of the country.A  free press also has an important role in government. Sometimes called the â€Å"Fourth Branch of Government† (as well as the President, Congress and the Supreme Court) the press does not simply report events. Teodoro, et al. further stated that the press and media have â€Å"had an increasingly influential impact on public policy, governmental decisions and popular attitudes†. And by all means, I’ll end with: FREEDOM CAN ONLY SURVIVE IN A SOCIETY THAT DEMANDS IT! THOSE WHO STAY SILENT WILL FOREVER BE HAUNTED BY ITS GHOST THAT FADES IN THE LIGHT OF FEAR AND BLIND CONFORM ITY. Freedom of the Press Our most important amendment , The First Amendment allows we the people to voice our opinions, obtain and publish information and opinions without the fear of government retribution. Infringing on freedom of the press is included in America’s greatest amendment. Although freedom of the press allows an endless amount of information abroad, It also allows for the use of propaganda. Freedom of the Press doesn't protect slander.When Freedom of the Press was added, it was to ensure that the government wouldn't censor the people’s opinions in newspapers and to expose schemes and information that some people might want hidden. Framers also wanted to sure Americans could continue to make informed decisions on how their nation is run. Without freedom of the press, the government could have also limited who could be a journalist , as well as be the only organization allowed to make newspapers. The only information that cannot be obtained through the media is information that is o bscene or classified because it could compromise the very future of America. Information that cannot be leaked are things like nuclear secrets.Most nations protects its best national interest by making sure classified information is not spread to those that could take advantage. Most of us use our freedom of the press right and we don't even know. Everytime you go on the internet to look something up. If the internet was made before the first amendment it would probably be censored and regulated by the government more harshly than it already is. The government doesn't care about opinions posted but it mostly removes copyrighted materials and illegal activities. Propaganda ensures the people only get the information the government wants them to have.The government often uses propaganda in harsh times, like times of war to get the people to help support the war effort. Freedom of the press can be abused ensure that everybody thinks in the way the government wants, all forms of informa tion were controlled. Otherwise, the government leaders could be voted against and administration. Before the internet, it was easier for the government to use propaganda but with the internet they would have to go through a lot more censoring. Although freedom of the press  doesn't protect slander, that doesn't mean false information cannot get printed in the newspaper.Peoples reputation could be damaged and once false information is printed in a newspaper, it can't be taken out of the people’s minds. Journalists can just tell half of a story and no one would be able to go against him or speak out In the court case People v. Croswell that happened in 1804, Harry Croswell was convicted for printing a story critiquing President Thomas Jefferson in his newspaper. His defense was that what he printed was the truth. You can't be retributed for acknowledging the truth. If Croswell made false accusations against the president, he would have been sentenced for slander, it is not o k to lie on a persons reputation.Freedom of the press expanded more than framers could have ever imagined, its literal meaning ended up adapting to new forms of media as needed. The Framers never expected that it could end up protecting rights on the internet. Because of the Lovell v. City of Griffin case in 1938 the freedom of the press right has been extended to media including newspapers, books, plays, movies, and video games. On May 16th of 2013 the Senate Judiciary proposed a new bill in the Senate, S.987, euphemistically titled, â€Å"Free Flow of Information Act of 2013.† The bill was an attempt to change who can be considered a journalist by not allowing citizen journalists to voice their opinions in the press. journalists would have had to be hired by the government which would have lowered current protection in the first Amendment.I appreciate the Freedom of the press and i am glad that it has Freedom of the Press, along with the other Freedoms that it protects. Fre edom of the press isnt perfect, as seen in World War II when both sides used propaganda to get their point across, America used posters to influence people to buy war bonds, and get men to want to join the army, while Germany engaged in propaganda Hitler took over the press, he spread lies blaming Jews for all of Germany's problems. Even Though freedom of the press isnt perfect, i still appreciate one of our greatest freedoms, without it we would be living a censored life.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

How Does the Pavilion Store In Winchester Use Intangible Experiences Assignment

How Does the Pavilion Store In Winchester Use Intangible Experiences to Keep Customer Loyalty - Assignment Example This research will begin with the statement that the Pavilion Clothing Limited is one of the internationally recognized fashion retailers that meet its customers on a face-to-face basis. The Pavilion Clothing Limited has been in existence for the last seven years. The pavilion is a private fashion and clothing entity that was established in 2007 by private investors. Currently, the Pavilion Clothing Limited is rated as one of the fastest growing clothing companies in the United Kingdom. The company is located in Winchester, Hants in the United Kingdom. The company deals with precious and up to date men and women fashions. A part of dealing with male and female clothes, the company deals with other products that include: bubblers, water pipes, rolling papers, cleaning suppliers, hookahs, vaporizers, and hand pipes. The prices of Pavilion’s products depend on the quality of the product as well as the existing market value. The Pavilion Clothing Limited’s main customers ar e middle class young and old people who have sufficient amount of resources to cater for the price of its high-quality products. The essay will start off by explaining the manner in which Pavilion Clothing Limited conducts the promotion of its products as well as the price, quality, and potential customers of Pavilion Clothing Limited’s products. Secondly, the essay will also explain the internal and external aspects of the Pavilion Clothing Limited and its effects on the success of the company. The essay will further define the meaning of intangible and tangible experiences and its application in Pavilion Clothing Company. The negative side of intangible experience in a company will also be expounded in the essay. Finally, the essay will explain how the intangible experiences add value to the company’s products as well as the strengths and weaknesses of the entire process. The Pavilion Clothing Limited’s success is to a greater extent brought about by its commo nly known high-quality products and services. The Pavilion Clothing Limited has developed effective models of connecting the company’s products to its customers’ emotional needs.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Certification and accreditation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Certification and accreditation - Research Paper Example However, the information system must meet the approved safeguards or protection in the two domains i.e. technical and managerial. The duration of a typical certification and accreditation process should be executed in sixteen to eighteen months. However the duration will vary due to the complexity level of the networked environment. (Stark, 1994) The dissimilarity between a Certified and an information system auditor is a compliment of both these roles. The certifier will review the systems for compliance with the stated requirements from the regulations, law or the board (Langsley & American Board of, 1983). In contrast, the auditor will validate the results submitted by the certifier for meeting the requirements. However, it is not necessary that an auditor may be a part of the same organization (Stark, 1994). Likewise, information system auditor is responsible for carrying out an independent review or audit of examination of records and activities for accessing the appropriateness of system controls for assuring compliance with policies and procedures. Similarly, a certifier is associated with conducting technical decisions of complying systems with organizational requirements, conducting risk assessment focused on system operation, certification actions and combining or integrating the finalized certification along with accredited packages. The post of this individual is known as Information System Security Manager. Furthermore, the contribution of a reviewer is associated with internal organizational role that falls under the role of a certifier (Stark, 1994). The phase 5 of the Certification and Accreditation process called as Disposal is not addressed. For instance, there is always a disposal phase of any process, system, applications etc. likewise, the process of system disposal, few factors need consideration. These factors are mentioned below: Disposal of Storage devices: if an

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The effects of the 2008 financial crisis on the investment in the Gulf Research Paper - 1

The effects of the 2008 financial crisis on the investment in the Gulf area and Qatar - Research Paper Example While closely evaluating the investment activities of Gulf countries including Qatar during 2008 financial crisis and post-recession period, it seems that the global financial crisis did not affect the Gulf region’s investment sector much when compared to other regions. Recession 2008: Impact on the Arab Region The crisis affected most of the Arab region also causing a significant decline in financial markets. Despite the region’s potential economic sources like oil revenue, real estate investment, tourism, and housing, countries in the region became vulnerable to an economic slowdown albeit at a slower pace. The main reason was that the region’s economic activities did not involve productive actions which could reroute the wealth surplus into establishing strong industrial and human skill bases. Also, the region as a whole failed to absorb income and investment on a multiple basis. The results of the downturn were visible in the form of declining living standard s, increasing inequality, growing unemployment rate etc. Migrant workers were the most affected segment in almost every GCC country. The main investors in the region included but not limited to The Kuwait Investment Authority (KIA), the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority, Singapore GIC, the Saudi prince al-Waleed Bin Talal, Kuwait, and Qatar. The outcome for their investment in Corporates like Citigroup, Merrill Lynch, Barclays, and Credit Suisse was not satisfactory or even inflicted great loss on the investors. The crashes in the UK, U.S financial markets affected the Middle Eastern stock markets as well. On September 15th 2008, the Saudi Arabian stock market fell by 6.5%, Doha 7%, Kuwait 3% and Abu Dabi 4.35% (Casa Arabe). However, since the gulf region had already learned lessons from the recession of the 1980s and the oil price fall, they were prepared to confront the new downturn unlike many other developed nations. Evidently, the impacts of the 1980s’ price fall were more intense and rapid than the recent one. The bitter experiences of 1980s taught the GCC countries to respond more flexibly to the new crisis. The difference was that the strategic decisions taken recently were of long-term significance whereas the first ones involved rapid actions. Better fiscal policies and the private sectors’ less dependence on state spending also contributed to the relatively sustainable position of the region. The direct result of this strategy was that all rich GCC countries namely Qatar, Kuwait, and Saudi had sufficient overseas assets to carry out their annual programs at least for a short term. Post-Recession Scenario One of the post-recession trends in the Gulf investment sector is the boom of real estate market. When compared other sectors, investing in developed market real estate seemed secure and profitable for many Arab investors, among which Qatar held the prominent position. As Roubini reports, Qatar unlike its Emirati or Kuwaiti counterparts s ustained with lower loan growth, lower profitability and thereby weakening balance sheets (â€Å"Are there..†). The government bought â€Å"stakes in local banks, as well as property and equity holdings on the balance sheets of local banks† and the nation’s â€Å"sovereign wealth fund was among the first to return to significant foreign investment† (Roubini). In fact, the world overcame the issues of the 2008 recession, mainly led by Asian and Middle East countries. For instance, subsequent to the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Critically explore the risks, challenges and key issues in relation to Essay - 2

Critically explore the risks, challenges and key issues in relation to starting up a new restaurant in Cardiff Bay in light of the current economic climate in the UK 01312 - Essay Example Full and quick services restaurant growth for 2015 is forecasted up to 3.4% and 3.7% respectively (Technonic, 2014). The industry value in UK economy with around 35,032 business, 590,915 employees and value of  £26.7billion in 2014 (IBIS World, 2014 and Department of Environment Food and Rural Affairs, 2014). The industry also witnessed an increase in distribution index on an average 1.3% with 4.7% increased outcome for 2014 (Office of National Statistics, 2014 and Office of National Statistics, 2015). The development of world’s deprived regions has widely captured the attention of opportunists for being early starters in the new markets via filling the spotted gap. One of such regions emerging regions offering fair opportunities is Cardiff Bay. The mining valley holds the status of world’ first industrialized city (Cardiff Caerdydd, N.d).The last two decades history of the region is adventurously full of growth events and developments. A forecasted population growth and heavily changed lifestyle are promising measures for services business industry (Cardiff Caerdydd, N.d). Ranked as the 10th largest UK city, Cardiff Bay attracts around 18 million visitors a year till 2012. From 1000 registered buildings, 547 are of food businesses including bar, cafà © and restaurants in Cardiff Bay (Ruddick, 2012).Though, the region still needs huge reforms and administrative facilities but critics show positivity towards success of the growing entity. A new sole-proprietorship entity has developed a business plan for entering the Cardiff-Bay restaurant industry to capture opportunities. The plan is apparently developed but lacks the description of risks and challenges associated with the external environmental factors. It is agreed upon a fact, that developing an effective business plan is as challenging and attention seeking as the running a business (Mullins, 2012 and Chesbrough, 2012). Hence, below presented report is a

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

'A small businesses should adopt e-commerce' Essay

'A small businesses should adopt e-commerce' - Essay Example E-commerce is business over the internet and using the internet technologies which facilitates them to accomplish an organizations focus and objectives (Chaffey, 2004, p.46 - 53). As internet technologies are exploited to its entirety by the businesses providing products and services to consumers and customers, auctioneering turns out to be an everyday issue. Hundreds to thousands of people are taking part in the auctions which are arranged by the businesses over the internet for goods ranging from furniture to DVD’s. An internet strategy is urbanized to envelope all of their present problems and enhance good customer and supplier relations. Creating an internet website would make the company stand accessible anytime-anywhere. In doing so the security factors regarding data and transactions must be taken care. The problems with the present system must be analyzed for better insight of the organization and to fetch the primary reasons of enveloping technology. The present system of the small business is usually traditional in nature and is composed of paper work and manual systems which do not envelope the entire business integration and online operations. There is no mechanism to capture enough personal data about customer’s, namely feedback, preferences and tastes, to retain them or get new ones. Their Customer Relationship Management is quite poor. Analysis of customer base is not done at all. In addition to that the present system neither possesses automatic links for replenishment of their stock, which makes an impact for their suppliers. The present system is quite slow and does not exploit the brand value for selling its products and services to a large community of users. The technologies have a great impact on the building and construction of the e-commerce system. The various technologies used are classified into client and server side and more specifically they denote the e-commerce and

Monday, September 23, 2019

Manac Plc. Models and concepts affecting the pricing decisions taken Essay

Manac Plc. Models and concepts affecting the pricing decisions taken by organizations, critically reflecting upon their usefulness - Essay Example The pricing policy of a firm is affected by a number of factors which contains the variable and fixed costs of the firm and the ecological factors which contains competitor analysis and legal analysis. Pricing models can be utilized to explain, forecast or explain pricing circumstances, or to prescribe pricing decisions. Irrespective of their planned use, however, models are basically abstractions of actuality. Even though they are less difficult than the real world, models should have relevant possessions of the realism they are calculated to represent. A number of more particular criteria served as the foundation for evaluating the pricing models are reviewed. Two criteria are valid to the assumptions on which the form is based. Such assumptions must be stated openly so that the user is cognizant of their existence and so able to assess their relevance and importance. Secondly, the assumptions must be realistic. â€Å"The pricing decision is a critical one for most marketers, yet the amount of attention given to this key area is often much less than is given to other marketing decisions. One reason for the lack of attention is that many believe price setting is a mechanical process requiring the marketer to utilize financial tools, such as spreadsheets, to build their case for setting price levels† (Pricing Decisions 1998). ... However, pricing decisions have vital consequences for the marketing organization and the concentration given by the dealer to pricing is just as significant as the concentration given to extra identifiable marketing actions. Some significant causes affect pricing include: Most Flexible Marketing Mix Variable: For dealers, price is the large amount variable of all marketing choices. Unlike distribution and product decisions, which can take years or months to change or several forms of promotion which may be time consuming to change, price can be changed very quickly. The elasticity of pricing choices is chiefly significant in times when the dealer seeks to rapidly stimulate demand or respond to contestant value actions. For instance, a marketer can get on a field salesperson’s request to lesser cost for a possible vision throughout a phone discussion. Similarly, a dealer in charge of online processes can raise costs on hot selling products with the click of a few website butto ns. Setting the Right Price: Pricing decisions made quickly without adequate research, analysis and planned evaluation can lead a losing income to the marketing organization. Prices set also may signify that the company is missing out on extra profits that could be earned if the target market is eager to spend extra to obtain the product. Furthermore, efforts to raise an originally low priced product to a higher cost can be met by consumer resistance as they can feel that the dealer is effecting to take benefit of their consumers. Setting of high prices can also impact on income as it prevents interested consumers from purchasing the manufactured goods. For setting the right price, substantial market knowledge is important and mostly, with new products testing of different

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Effects of Alcoholism Essay Example for Free

Effects of Alcoholism Essay I never thought drinking alcohol could destroy all I had worked for. Sure, I have had my share of hangovers. However, to think I was hurting myself or others never came to mind. I had a great job and really liked the people I worked with. I worked hard and played harder. Going out with my friends and drinking was a major part of my social life. The thought of calling a cab or getting a ride was not a congenital thought. It would take a head on car crash with another vehicle to change my life forever. When I was about seven years old, my dad had a few of his friends over to watch a football game. I took one of the beers when no one was looking and went into the garage. I opened it and took a big gulp. I spit it out and thought, â€Å"This stuff tastes terrible, how can anyone drink this and like it†? It took until I was in my teens to try beer again. I was with my two best friends and one of them had stolen a six-pack of beer from his dad. We each took a can and opened it. I remember taking my first sip and thinking it was warm. I did not like it, but I was not going to let my friends know that. Therefore, we each drank the first can. I could feel a warm glow permeate my body. When we drank the second can, I felt high and became intoxicated. From that moment on, I drank for the effect not the taste. After I got my driver’s license, my friends and I would go to the bars and drink. When it was time to go I would get in my car and drive home. This went on for years. I always thought I could handle my liquor. When my friends would be pulled over and get a D.  U. I. , I thought they were lightweights and could not hold their liquor. As I grew older, I began to work in the hospitality industry of nightclubs and restaurants. I really enjoyed what I did and was good at it. During this time, I would always have a drink or two at closing time. After we closed, I would get a cocktail for the road. This went on for years. As the years progressed so did my consumption of alcohol. I grew tired of the hospitality industry and changed jobs. I started work in the heavy construction industry. I became close friends with a group of people I worked with. We would meet after work at a bar or restaurant and have some drinks. When it was time to go, I would get a drink for the road. This habit continued until one day I was going to my best friend and his wife’s log home they were building on some land in Northeast Missouri. They were having a house warming and Fourth of July party. They were going to have a huge barbeque with all their neighbors and some friends followed by a giant fireworks display. I began my day to leave for the party by going to work. I had a very strenuous day without any breaks. When I got home, a friend shows up and we have a couple of drinks. I pack my car and said goodbye to my friend. I made a drink for the road and headed out. I do not remember a thing after that. I came to in a hospital. The nurse said I was in an accident and I was hurt very bad. She said I had been in a car accident and that I had a head on collision with another vehicle. She explained that I was in a coma for fifteen days. That I had a broken pelvis, hip, ribs, knee cap and collapsed lung. When the doctor came by to see me, he informed me I had some brain damage and that I would probably not walk again. My brother was there and explained to me what the police had told him. He said that I had crossed the centerline of the highway and hit a car head on. The other car had a mother with her four young children. Thank God they were not seriously injured and did not require a hospital stay. Once the hospital lowered my condition to stable, the Missouri Highway Patrol came and took me to jail. I was charged with five counts of second-degree assault and one count of possession of a firearm while intoxicated. All of these charges are felonies. I was tried, convicted, and was sentenced to twelve years in prison. I served four months in a prison treatment facility and I was released on parole with five years probation. I lost my job. I lost my life’s savings. I lost my car. I am crippled and cannot work. What drinking and driving has cost me is being paid with every step I take and the thought of what I could have done to that family.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Dream Big Essay Example for Free

Dream Big Essay If I were not afraid, I could definitely do more and achieve more. In the world today, we need to be extraordinary for us to be more successful. And being extraordinary requires proper goal setting. Achieving a goal that a person sets is not that easy. We need focus on it, and some proper actions necessary for it to come true. But most of the time, certain factors affect the way a person would handle situations like this. When one is afraid of something, his/her tendency is to avoid that stimulus. If that stimulus might be involved in achieving that person’s goals, having a fear in it will result to failure in reaching that goal. In most cases, people tend to insecure; or rather afraid to exert full effort in reaching their goals is the fear of failing. Most people are afraid of being humiliated, or being the ‘least’ in a group. When we learn to let go of these fears inside us, then we can feel confident to do anything that we love without thinking about the negative consequences. For example, some people are afraid to make friends with others because they fear that they might be rejected. Come to think of it, if this person put his fear aside, then he or she can gain friends. In this case, fear can sometimes be seen as a negative feeling because it prevents you from doing something good or achieving something great. Thus, if I put my fears aside, I can organize my fellow youths in calling for eradicating hunger around the world. I think I could do something great like that. Although I am just an ordinary person, I think I can convince people in my community that world hunger is a grave problem that needs our attention. Children are dying in Africa because of hunger. Believe it or not, there are even hungry children in the United States, who are not receiving enough nutritious food. With regards to my dream, I think my greatest strength is perseverance and I can use this in order to research startling facts that might trigger the emotions of people in joining this advocacy. I will first organize my friends and family because I think they simply the people who would care to hear my thoughts about this issue. After that, I will seek the help of experts that will expand my knowledge on how I could start achieving this dream. For example, I will seek the help of a nutritionist on what foods should be served daily in school cafeteria. Then, we will inform the school cafeterias in our communities to serve food that is balanced enough for our kids. I can also establish a feeding program in our community to help serve the poor and needy children within our midst. The next step would be to write letters of appeal to the government and large corporations to convince them in joining our cause. If we can garner enough funds, we can now help the children of Africa in their plight against hunger. In my own little way, I can say that this idea can help change the world. I realized that what we need is proper handling of our fears. In my case, if I weren’t afraid of anything, I would have the courage to do anything I want, without thinking of the circumstances that might happen with what I’m going to do. Since fear is the limiting factor, eliminating it might give me a better chance into reaching my goals. Eliminating world huger is such a big goal. This goal requires patience, and focus – characteristics which I do have. I see myself as one who would change the world, and make it a healthier place to live in. I see myself as one who would establish an institution that would help people realize that world hunger exists and we need to help each other eradicate it.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Geographical Analysis of Nankana Sahib, Pakistan

Geographical Analysis of Nankana Sahib, Pakistan Introduction of Nankana sahib: A brief history of city: This city was named after the first Guru of Sikhs Guru Nanak Dev Ji. It is capital of Nankana Sahib District. This city has historic significance regarding religion because Guru Nanak Dev Ji spread the light of the universal message to this world so it is a city of high historic and religious value and is a popular pilgrimage site for Sikhs from all over the world especially India. (, 2011) It is bounded by Hafizabad on North and located about 75 kilometers south west of Lahore and about 55 kilometers east of Faisalabad and Its Southern boundary is formed by district Okara. (, 2011) Earlier the township was known as Rai-Bhoi-Di-Talwandi and was renamed after the birth of Guru Nanak as Nankana Sahib. Formerly the area around Nankana Sahib was a tehsil of district Sheikhupura District. In 2005 the Punjab Government decide to rear the status of city as a District. Climate and soil conditions of city: â€Å"The climate of the city is subject to extreme deviations. From the middle of December to the middle of March the air is very moist or cold and light to moderate rain falls at intervals. The season of the winter rains is followed by a hex of very pleasant weather. In April the temperature rises fast and the two consecutive months are very hot. Towards the end of June Monsoon conditions appear and during the following two and a half months spells of rainy weather alternate with intervals of hot oppressive weather. The average rainfall in the district is about 635 mm. The upland or the Bar in the North West, in the natural condition, is a level prairie thickly dotted over with a stunted under-growth of bush jungle. The Bar Soil is popularly known as Missie. The low land along the river Ravi has light soil. The central portion which is the Deg Valley has stiff soil. Stiff soil is either Rohi or Kallarathi depending on the salt (kallar) contents.† (Awan, 2009) Geographical limits: lat Administrative limits: Formerly the city was a tehsil of Sheikhupura District. In May 2005 the Government of Punjab decided to raise the status of the city as a District with an aim that the economic condition of city along with the surrounding areas lift because it is a pilgrimage center for Sikhs from all over the globe. There is development especially of road network along all the city. Changes has been made in the administrative bodies of city form tehsil to district level administration. Nankana Sahib District is administratively sectioned into three tehsils. Nankana Sahib Sangla Hill Shahkot On 1 December 2008, Safdarabad was reattached to Sheikhupura District. (, 2005) Development in Nankana city: Private impresarios and State Government have planned to develop Nankana Sahib District with various projects, including: A rest house for Sikh pilgrims A new International Hotel for the people of the district A shopping mall A housing scheme A modern hospital A road-link to the Lahore and Faisalabad dual-carriageway District Complex Nankana Sahib The International Guru Nanak University The prospect for development of an airport has been outstretched in the district Nankana Sahib. The Government of Punjab has decided to link the city with provincial capital Lahore. (, 2006) Departments in Nankana district: District Education Department District Health care Department District Police Department District Law and Order Department District Agriculture Department District Finance Department District Development Department District Transportation Department District Infrastructure Department District Telecommunications Department District Human Right Department Deputy District Officers Religious Department Election Commission Department NADRA Department Tehsil Municipal Administration Department Wapda Department Industrial Department District Fishers Department District Forest Department (, 2011) Demography and Language: According to the 1998 census of Pakistan Punjabi is spoken by 98% population of the city. Shahmukhi script is mostly used by natives but Nankana Sahib is one of few cities of Pakistan where the Gurmukhi dialect is also understood by the locals. The Punjabi dialects spoken in the district are; Majhi dialect which is spoken by the majority of district. Malwi dialect spoken by the migrated people from India Punjab. Urdu is also used and spoken as national language in the offices and education centers and English is also spoken and understood by educated people. According to Punjab Development Statistics 2008, total population of Nankana Sahib District is 1,466 thousands persons out of which 762 thousands are males and 704 thousands are females. Density of population in the district is 539 persons per square Kilometer. Muslims are in greater in population size 97% of population is Muslim and only 3% are Sikhs. Tehsil wise rural and urban population is given in the table: TOWN-WISE DISTRIBUTION OF URBAN RURAL POPULATION NAME OF TOWN POPULATION (THOUSAND PERSON) URBAN RURAL TOTAL Nankana Sahib 79 705 784 Safdarabad 54 210 264 Sangla Hill 58 138 196 Shahkot 45 177 222 Total 236 1230 1466 Source: Punjab Development Statistics 2008. (Awan, 2009) Infra-structural facilities: Communication network: A) Road links. The city has 1289.84 kilometers metaled roads in length. There has been different plans of construction and development in the city regarding roads for connecting it with big cities like Lahore, Sheikhupura, and Faisalabad through metal roads. For this purpose the government of Punjab is completing an interchange at Khangah Dogra on M-2 motor way which is connecting Lahore with Islamabad and is almost 5kms away from city Nankana. This project will help in development of newly formed district. This interchange will also give access to the Grand Trunk Road which is leading towards Indian Punjab from Wagah Border. A Nankana Sahib-Amritsar bus was initiated by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh of India for Sikhs. B) Rail linkage. There are three major Rail heads in the district, including Nankana Sahib, Safdarabad, and Sangla Hill. Through these linkages the city has been connected to Lahore and Faisalabad districts. A train from Amritsar India via Wagah Border Lahore also came to Nankana city. Power supply station: There are 9 grid stations in the district varying in capacity between 66 KV to 132 KV. Telecommunication exchanges: The district has 30 telephone exchanges operating with varying capacity from 50 lines to 7822 lines. Mobile phone services of different networks are also available. Social infrastructural Facilities in the District: SOCIAL INFRA-STRUCTURAL FACILITIES TEHSIL PRIMARY/MIDDLE/ HIGH SCHOOL COLLEGE HOSPITAL POLICE STATION RAILWY STATIONS POST OFFICE BANKS Nankana Sahib 732 3 1 7 3 8 33 Safdarabad 210 0 0 2 4 2 10 Sangla Hill 129 2 0 2 4 2 9 Shahkot 145 2 0 2 0 3 13 Total 1216 7 1 13 11 15 65 The following table is showing the details of social facilities in the district on Tehsil level; Source: Punjab Development Statistics 2008 / Respective District Offices. (Awan, 2009) Natural resources: Agriculture: Main crops. Rice, sugarcane, and wheat are the main crops cultivated in the district. The production of crops between years 2005-06 to 2007-08 are given in the table below; PRODUCTION OF MAIN CROPS (2005-06 to 2007-08) Crops PRODUCTION (M.TONS) 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 Sugarcane 667 850 941 Wheat 414 411 451 Rice 173 164 180 Source: Directorate of Agriculture, Crop Reporting Service, Punjab. (Awan, 2009) Besides, Maize, Bajra, Cotton, Mash, Mong, Jawar, Masoor, Oil seeds such as Mustard, Sun Flower are also grown in minor quantities in the district. Main fruits: Guava and Citrus are the main fruits grown in the district which are cultivated there production during the period of 2005-06 to 2007-08 is given below in the following table: Production of Main Fruits (2005-06 to 2007-08) Fruits Production (M.TONS) 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 Guava 24298 33644 29527 Citrus 16285 10400 9443 Source: Directorate of Agriculture, Crop Reporting Service, Punjab. (Awan, 2009) Besides other fruits including Mango, Banana, Litchi, Jaman and Phalsa are also grown in minor quantities in the district. Vegetables: Carrot, Cauliflower, Potatoes, and Onion are main vegetables grown in the district their production during the years 2005-06 to 2007-08 is shown in the table given below; Production of Main Vegetables (2005-06 to 2007-08) VEGETABLE Production (M.TONS) 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 Potatoes 2059 3618 2896 Carrot 10558 9854 10311 Cauliflower 21859 17602 17553 Onion 14109 14218 13222 Source: Directorate of Agriculture, Crop Reporting Service, Punjab. (Awan, 2009) Besides Turnip, Peas, Tomato, Chilies and Garlic are also cultivated in the district in minor quantities. Forests: About 1.3 % of the total area of the district is under forests, which is an area of 1068.16 Hectares. There is also plantation of 955 Kilometers of tress in linear pattern alongside the roads/rails/canals in the district. Kau, Phalai, Kikar and Shisham are types of trees grown in the district. Livestock: Animal population. The main animals which are in the district are Goats, Sheep, Cattle, and Buffalos and their population is shown in the table given below, Animal population ANIMAL POPULATION ANIMAL POPULATION (Thousand HEADS) Goats 256 Cattle 130 Sheep 39 Buffaloes 401 Source: Punjab Development Statistics 2008. (Awan, 2009) Poultry population: According to Punjab Development Statistics 2008 there 62 layer and 386 Broiler poultry farms in the district having capacity of 229 thousands and 9653 bird respectively. There are also 4 breeding farms having capacity of 510 thousand birds. Available Hides/Skins from Slaughter houses: In year 2006-07 animals which were slaughtered in the recognized or un-recognized slaughter houses are 51000 animals which is sound estimate of availability of hides and skins in the district as per 2008 Punjab Development Statistics. The availability of slaughter house by – products is estimated as under:- Blood 17.65 M.TONS Bones 86.10 M.TONS Tallow 17.91 M.TONS Wool production: The total population of sheep is 39 thousand heads in the district from which approximately 39 M.TONS rough wool is produced annually. Literature review: Introduction: One of the most important and touchy issues of our time is utilization of energy resources. Energy provisions are compulsory to improve the infrastructure, transport, roads, industry, and construction of buildings to quicken the development of country. Pakistan is meeting severe challenge of energy deficit due to enormous increase in demand, growth of industrial zones, increment in population growth rate, poor organization of energy resources, deficient plans, devoid in implementation of policies regarding energy. (Munir, 2006) Researches in past: In past work has been done on solar panels in fields of remote sensing and GIS in different parts of world. A few of them are discussed over here, â€Å"A research on the topic Satellite remote sensing for identification of solar potential sites in Pakistan has been made. The study area is located at between longitude 62 and 75 degree east and latitude 24 and 37 degree north. Material and methods: satellite images were used in this study to identify the solar potential sites in Pakistan. Satellite data of NOAA was used which has focus on conditions of oceans and the atmosphere data which was free available on their website. Images from year 2005-2009 were selected of months including June, July and August these months were selected because these are monsoon months with maximum cloud cover. Precipitation data of following months having been collected from Meteorological department Pakistan. Data interpretation and analysis: ENVI and GIS are the main software packages that are employed for this satellite imagery analysis. Data Processing: Geo referencing Enhancement Selection of area of interest for classification (ROI) Supervised Classification (maximum likelihood method) Subset (Using Pakistan Boundaries) Vector comparison Composite (Monthly Maps) Data analysis: In order to find out least cloudless area, UNOIN operation has been performed which was most appropriate for combing cloud cover vector layers of different years and resultant vector layer shows the area with and without cloud cover. Final step involve to overlay the Pakistan district vector layer on each UNION layer, which provides location of least cloudless district in Pakistan. Results and conclusion: The results indicated that Dera Ghazi Khan and Multan have maximum potential for solar sites in whole Pakistan. While Quetta is selected to be a city receiving maximum solar radiation. Cholistan desert has been quite favorable for solar energy harvesting. In spite of having a huge potential of energy resources, Pakistan still remains an energy scarce country and has to heavily depend on imports to fulfill its energy demands.† (Ahmad, Aziz, Wahid, Basir, 2013) â€Å"A research on the topic A Simple Solar Radiation Index for Wildlife Habitat Studies has also been made. Study Area: They illustrated the use of SRI (solar radiation index) is an example application in which they tested for niche separation among bighorn sheep, elk, and mule deer during winter along a single environmental axis. The Gardiner Basin area of northern Yellowstone winter range (NYWR) USA. Houston and Despain gave the detailed description of area. The elevations in the area ranged about 1500m to 3350m. Methods: Solar radiation Index is derived by them by using the general equation for hourly extraterrestrial radiation striking an arbitrarily oriented surface. Relationship to Hill shade: Ciarniello et al. (2005) calculated hill shade values using a digital elevation model DEM and ArcGIS 8.3 version used those values as surrogate for solar radiation. The hillshade index was difficult to evaluate because algorithm for calculating hillshade is not given. Ungulate Niche Separation: They calculated slope and aspect from 30 m DEM and determined the density of use by bighorn sheep, elk, and mule deer from radio telemetry data gathered in previous studies. Results and discussions: In both comparison of relationship to hillshade with different values of azimuth and elevation they observe inexplicable behavior in values of hillshade. For all species examined winter use was concentrated in locations receiving relatively high levels of solar radiation. They found no difference in allocation of winter use by bighorn sheep and elk with respect to solar radiation. Our SRI is designed to enhance wildlife habitat models containing a solar radiation component by reducing noise improving interpretability and minimizing the number of model covariates. Ultimately this promotes greater understanding of the determinants of wild life habitat relationships and in turn improved decision making by wildlife managers.† (Vore, Ibry, Keating, Gogan, 2007) â€Å"Work regarding solar radiation calculations has also been made on the following topic: The Calculation of Solar and Net Radiation in Mountain Terrain, There is at present a need for reliable data on fluxes of solar and net radiation in hilly terrain. This paper develops a model which uses cloud temperature data to obtain above radiation fluxes in a mesoscale mountainous environment at Risdon Tasmania. The model was tested against climatological measurements of solar radiation in a horizontal area and was found to be satisfactory. Extending the test into a mountainous terrain is not practicable since measurements of solar and net radiations in such environment would be disturbed by the high forest and vegetation cover. The model must be viewed as an estimation of the solar and net radiation input into the vegetation-soil system. Diffuse solar radiation is an important component of solar radiation flux in this cloudy and temperate marine climate. Due to its isotropic nature diffuse solar radiation minimizes spatial differences in solar and net radiation receipt. Considerable interception of direct solar radiation occurs in winter time and therefore differences in solar and net radiation receipt are highest then. In winter time north facing slopes will receive the highest radiation while south facing slopes are largely in shadow and receive mostly diffuse solar radiation. Conclusion: This paper has indicated a method for estimating incident direct, diffuse and net radiation in mountainous terrains. The model has performed adequately when tested against climatological estimates of direct and diffuse solar radiation on a horizontal surface. The results leave open several paths of research. Transmission of radiation through the vegetation canopy could be studied in this mesoscale terrain. Also important are the implications of these results to the meso-scale water balance. Pan evaporation correlates well with net radiation (Kirkpatrick Nunez, 1980) which implies that approximate microscale water budgets could be obtained in the study area if the assumption is made that precipitation is constant. In summary, it is felt that the study of the incident radiation must represent a first step in under-standing the energy exchanges between the surface and the atmosphere in this complex environment.† (Nunez, 1980) â€Å"Research has also been done regarding solar radiation calculation on the topic named as: Modeling a Solar Radiation Topoclimatology for the Rio Grande River Basin.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Essay --

When thinking of two songs to compare, the first thought in my mind was the artist Tom Petty. I’ve grown up listening to all of his music because of the love my parents have for him. The two songs that I will be comparing in this paper is the original Free Fallin by Tom Petty and the cover that John Mayer. The reasoning behind this is because both songs were made during different musical periods and John Mayer was able to change the song to make it in to his own, but was also able to keep it so similar that it also compliments Tom Petty’s version. First comes first, the introduction to both songs are different in many ways. John Mayer uses an acoustic guitar while finger picking his chords. By doing this, the listener is able to hear every note that is being played. Tom Petty on the other hand strums his chords, which causes the tempo to seem faster. He plays his version moderately loud giving it the mezzo forte feel while John Mayer’s is mezzo piano. After the instrumental at the beginning of both songs, Tom Petty transitions towards the drums while the guitar is still being play...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Holocaust :: essays research papers

Hitler had a plan to ?purify? Germany in order to fulfill his vision of a perfect nation.In Mein Kampf, a book written by Adolf Hitler which explains his ambitions and explains how he wants to cleanse Germany of all Jews, communists, gypsies, homosexuals, and disabled people. Hitler had targeted specifically the Jewish population because of his hatred towards them. In World War Two, around 6 million Jews were persecuted by the Nazis. Firstly, in 1935, the Nazi Party passed the Nuremberg Laws, which were designed to stop Jews and Germans from marrying, to make sure that German blood was not tainted by mixing with other races, and produced pictures warning people about what could happen. People were ?warned? about which shop belonged to the Jews and were discouraged to buy any goods from Jewish stores. It was conspicuous that this racist law passed by Hitler was very degradingly towards the Jews. Despite that most people were not ignorant and knew this was wrong, no one dared to oppose the Nazis due to fear. Anyone that opposed the Nazis was to be shot. Hitler realized that this was not effective enough in order to achieve his goal. The Nazis had a meeting to discuss more efficient ways to eradicate the Jews. In 1938, the situation took a more serious turn for the worst. Called the night of Broken Glass, the Nazis started to use violence against the Jews. Jewish shops, churches, and other buildings were openly attacked. People became subjected to violence. It would lead to the start of more systematic violence. The violence escalated to the pinicle of the tragedy that the Jews experienced, the Holocaust. From 1939 onwards, Jews were rounded up. They were forced to move out of their homes. Jews started getting sent t o areas in cities designed only for them.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Climate Change And Carbon Reduction Environmental Sciences Essay

Climate alteration is arguably one of the greatest environmental challenges confronting the universe today. The addition in atmospheric nursery gases has driven a rapid rise in the planetary temperature. Emissions ensuing from human activities are well increasing the concentrations of the nursery gases, C dioxide ( CO2 ) , methane ( CH4 ) , CFCs ( CFCs ) and azotic oxide ( N2O ) and are doing nursery gas consequence. Carbon dioxide has been responsible for over half the enhanced nursery consequence in the past and is likely to stay same in the hereafter ( Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 2007 ) . The Stern Review study suggests that a 25 % decrease below current degrees of emanations is required in order to stabilise planetary CO2 concentrations at degrees that will non hold really inauspicious impacts. And what we besides find out from the Stern Review is that the costs of non moving on clime alteration are greater than the costs of moving ( Stern Review 2006 ) . It has been recognised that developed states are chiefly responsible for the current high degrees of atmospheric GHG emanations ; the Kyoto Protocol places a heavier load on developed states and sets adhering emanation decrease marks of up to an norm of five per cent emanations reductionA compared to 1990 degrees over the five-year period 2008 to 2012. In Doha, Qatar, on 8 December 2012, the Doha Amendment to the Kyoto Protocol was adopted. This launched a 2nd committedness period, get downing on 1 January 2013 until 2020 ( United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 2013 ) . So, the motive for this research comes from the widely-accepted demand to greatly cut down the C dioxide ( CO2 ) and other nursery gases ( GHG ) emanations in order to extenuate anthropogenetic clime alteration. The societal, environmental and economic costs associated with C emanations could be immense and world can confront inauspicious effects. Therefore, the demand to cut down CO2 emanations has be en recognised as a cardinal portion of the on-going attempts to battle clime alteration.1.2. Carbon decrease in the United Kingdom: National contextThe UK histories for less than 1.5 % of planetary nursery gas emanations ; the authorities has a clear national involvement in guaranting that the universe tackles climate alteration together as it is a planetary job and it requires a planetary solution. ( HM Government 2011 ) . The UK authorities has had a turning committedness to sustainable development over the last 15 old ages, foremost establishing a scheme for sustainable development in 1994. Its current scheme, â€Å" Procuring the FutureaˆY was launched in 2005 and focused on four cardinal countries: ingestion and production, natural resource protection, sustainable communities and clime alteration ( Her Majesty ‘s Stationery Office 2005 ) . The current alliance authorities besides raises a motto of the ‘greenest authorities of all time ‘ , although it has non been followed through unfavorable judgment, and shows its strategic committedness towards low C economic system. The planetary jussive mood of clime alteration has been translated into national C decrease marks. The UK authorities has strongly agreed for C decrease after its Kyoto Commitments and has developed Climate Change Act 2008 which is the universe ‘s first long-run lawfully adhering model. It aims to promote the passage to a low-carbon economic system in the UK by puting ambitious C decrease marks of at least 80 % by 2050 and at least 34 % by 2020 against a 1990 baseline ( HMSO 2008 ) . The UK is committed to play a prima function in order to procuring planetary action to cut down C emanations which is consistent with restricting planetary temperature additions to below 2A °C ( HMSO 2010 ) . The UK clime alteration act develops a new attack of pull offing clime alteration through puting institutional marks, doing schemes for accomplishing them, beef uping institutional models and regular answerability.1.3. Carbon decrease in public sector: Higher Education contextThe mounting grounds of planetary clime alteration is one of the most of import issues for concerns. Carbon decrea se is traveling up the corporate docket and administrations now understand the demand to manage their emanations and it must be embedded within their concern patterns ( Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 ) . The UK populace sector has long been taking the manner when it comes to cutting energy costs andA C emanations and the research has revealed that the populace sector is the most committed to carbon decrease as compared to the private and 3rd sectors ( The Carbon Trust 2012 ) . Camco ( 2011 ) found that the entire nursery gas emanations emitted by public sector organic structures from the usage of electricity and fossil fuels in 2009/10 including for administrative concern conveyance are estimated to be 16.7-23.5 Million tCO2. Against this background, proactive actions are required by all of the populace sector administrations to cut down C and other nursery gases emanations. The Higher Education ( HE ) sector, due to the nature of its operational activities, preponderantly and straight emits C and to a much lesser extent other nursery gas emanations, frequently indirectly, such as methane ( CH4 ) ( Higher Education Funding Council for England 2010 ) . The Higher Education ( HE ) sector has a important societal and economic impact and is non exempt from disputing C decrease marks, in fact, it is argued, should be showing leading in the field. A research was carried out by Camco ( 2011 ) and was presented to the Department of Energy and Climate Change ( DECC ) , which suggests that the most cost effectual chances to accomplish the C decrease marks exist within the Further and Higher Education sectors. In 1990, sum HE sector C emanations were 2.445 million metric tons of C dioxide ( MtCO2 ) and in 2006 they were 3.288 MtCO2, a rise of 34 % ( HEFCE 2009 ) . The HE sector is being encouraged to take in C decrease as it is a important subscriber of C emanations in the public sector but besides because of the privileged place universities occupy in being Centres of research excellence and in cultivating ‘thought leaders ‘ for the hereafter ( HEFCE 2009 ) . HE is a turning consumer of energy and resources and generator of C emanations. In 2008-09 the UK Higher and Further Education sector administrations consumed 7.7 TWh of energy ( all fuels ) bring forthing emanations of 2.6 million metric tons of C dioxide equivalent ( Hopkinson and James 2011 ) . So, there is a demand to understand that how Higher Education Institutions ( HEIs ) can strategically cut down their increasing C emanations through an integrated and comprehensive attack. In National Carbon Strategy, HEFCE encourages higher instruction establishments to follow similar marks ( HEFCE, 2010a ) . Carbon decrease mark and scheme for higher instruction in England has besides been formulated in order to supply guideline for HE establishments to put their ain marks inline with the UK marks and so develop action programs through C direction programs. The lone marks do non run into consequences ; they need to be supported with the schemes. Within the following 10 old ages the higher instruction sector in this state will be recognised as a major subscriber to society ‘s attempts to accomplish sustainability through the accomplishments and cognition that its alumnuss learn and set into pattern, its research and exchange of cognition through concern, community and public policy battle, and through its ain schemes and operations ( HEFCE ) . Capital support for higher instruction establishments in England is linked to carbon decrease from 2011 which makes high er instruction ‘s senior direction concern about their energy ingestion and C emanations.1.4. Research purpose and aims:There is an ongoing demand to analyze and measure the procedure of C direction in the higher instruction sector and to suggest a clear route map for a strategic attack to better C direction. It is surprising that empirical research analyzing the strategic attack and committedness to carbon direction within the higher instruction establishments is comparatively thin ( Chapter 2: Literature Review ) . A research inquiry was formulated that â€Å" How higher instruction sector establishments can strategically pull off their C emanations from all of their organizational activities? †1.4.1. Purpose:The purpose of this research is to develop a strategic C direction model for cut downing higher instruction sector establishments ‘ C emanations in the context of the broader public sector.1.4.2. Specific aims:To consistently reexamine and measure the liter ature, paperss, schemes and C direction programs of the Higher Education ( HE ) sector establishments. To analyze the current province and effectivity of C direction within the higher instruction sector establishments. To place the drivers and barriers for C direction within the higher instruction sector establishments. To place and understand the characteristics and procedures for implementing effectual C direction schemes ; peculiar attending will be paid to the function of procurance and other range 3 emanations. To develop, suggest and formalize a Strategic Carbon Management ( SCM ) model for cut downing overall C emanations for the higher instruction every bit good as the broader public sector administrations.1.5. Novel part to the cognition:The PhD research will bring forth a coherent set of findings on a strategic attack to carbon direction and will hold the undermentioned original parts to the bing cognition. Contribution in the bing theoretical cognition of strategic C direction. Substantial/practical part for a strategic attack to carbon direction in the higher instruction sector every bit good as the wider populace sector. Strategic Carbon Management ( SCM ) model will be proposed for bettering HE C direction and implanting C direction in corporate scheme. It will research how range 3 emanations, peculiarly procurance can be incorporated into universities ‘ C direction procedure. Novel methodological part with qualitative and quantitative informations integrating.1.6. Thesis construction:The thesis will hold nine chapters and the staying chapters are outlined below:Chapter 2: Literature reappraisalThis chapter will present the theoretical background for the research through the reappraisal of bing literature around assorted facets of C direction.Chapter 3: Research MethodologyThis chapter will detail the overall design of the research and sketching the chosen research methodological analysis in order to run into research purpose and aims.Chapter 4: Systematic analysis of secondary informationsThis chapter will run into the first aim by consistently analyzing the secondary informations. It will chiefly dwell of universities ‘ C direction programs and schemes, other strategic paperss and relevant policies.Chapter 5: Policy context, drivers and barriers to carbon directionThis chapter will turn to C direction drivers and barriers with for higher instructio n establishments. It will besides turn to policies sing C decrease in general and higher instruction in peculiar.Chapter 6: Preliminary research findingsThis chapter will analyze and bring forth first stage preliminary research findings based on the explorative interviews carried out with higher instruction sector directors in order to inform more structured attack in the 2nd stage of the research.Chapter 7: Survey QuestionnaireThis chapter will supply public sector analysis based on the questionnaire study consequences. It will analyze the current province and effectivity of C direction within the higher instruction sector establishments, besides comparison between different sector organic structures in C direction leading.Chapter 8: De Montfort University Case StudyThis chapter will supply descriptive instance survey of De Montfort University to happen out what is presently go oning in relation to strategic C direction. It will assist in placing and understanding assorted characte ristics and procedures for implementing effectual C direction in a university. It will besides research the function of procurance and other range 3 emanations in C direction.Chapter 9: DiscussionThe treatment chapter will take the research findings from in-depth DMU survey and see in the context of wider higher instruction every bit good as the broader public sector administrations. It will integrate the development and proof of strategic C direction model for pull offing C emanations.Chapter 10: DecisionsThis chapter will summarize of the cardinal research findings and the original part to knowledge originating from this research, followed by way to future work.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Affirmative Action Avoiding Racial Discrimination

In recent times, virtually every great political leader has recognized the truth of affirmative action. But, what is affirmative action one might ask? According to Merriam-Webster†s Collegiate Dictionary, Tenth Edition: â€Å"an active effort to improve the employment or educational opportunities of members of minority groups and women.† In the United States, these minority groups include African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, Pacific Islanders, Alaskan Natives, and immigrants. In general, affirmative action is intended to benefit groups that are thought to have suffered from discrimination. However, critics argue that some groups benefit from affirmative action because of their political influence. In this essay, I will show that quotas and mandatory preferences not only violate our rights as individual citizens, but also are unnecessary, and why they should be abolished. The term affirmative action was first used in an order issued by President John F. Kennedy in 1961 that required businesses with U.S. government contracts to treat their employees without regard to race, ethnic origin, religion, or gender. However, later on the government asked the businesses to consider the race and gender of their employees to ensure that the mix of people on their staffs reflected the mix in the local work force. In addition, a fixed share of federal contracts were set aside for businesses owned by women or minorities. Many state and local governments, as well as numerous businesses and schools, created their own affirmative-action programs. Since the 1970's, controversy over affirmative action has developed. People disaccord about how to achieve the goal of nondiscrimination. Even though, some claim temporary preferences are necessary to achieve equality, others believe quotas, mandatory preferences, and other affirmative action policies unfairly affect the right of individuals to be treated according to their abilities. People also disagree about which groups are entitled to affirmative action and for how long (LaNoue). The reasons used by proponents like redressing past injustice and educational diversity are not proper and they harm the society instead of helping it to prosper (Puddington 70-83). Affirmative action in the United States is meant to provide jobs for blacks in formerly closed fields. Correcting a past injustice is admirable, but requiring an employer to provide black faces in order to fill a quota is unfair both to employers and to employees. It puts productivity at risk, as well as the self-esteem and potential for personal growth for those who are being helped (Almasi 4). Proponents also consider that educational diversity is an important reason behind affirmative action and giving preferences to minority students in schools is a way of achieving it. But the preferences remove from bad schools any incentive to improve, since their students are guaranteed places in good colleges irrespective of their own standards (O†Sullivan 22). In fact, to bring onto college campuses students whose academic abilities have been severely damaged by the conditions in which they have been forced to learn would be a recipe for failure (Carter 438). All these students need is a training to be successful in the real world and not just a push, favor, or preference that will force them into being a failure later on. The proponents suggest changing the race-based affirmative action into the class-based affirmative action that would not arouse any hostility. But it makes very little sense in an area of admission to colleges, universities, and professional schools. We already have a huge and expensive system of federal loans to make it possible for those without parental or their own income to get higher education. One can imagine covering all costs for higher education for everyone, it would be immense. The only effect of preference on ground of class could be to increase the number of poor whites and Asians in institutions of higher education, and to reduce the number of blacks (Glazer 444-45). Class-based program would only serve the most disadvantaged Americans. But this solution is not as simple as it may sound. A form of reverse discrimination would still occur, and there would be â€Å"victims† who are â€Å"passed over† regardless of how well they qualified for the school or job (Guernsey 95). Therefore, class-based affirmative action would not help all the minorities in achieving a higher education. As one climbs toward professional success, at some point the preferences must fall away entirely. When the student has shown what he or she can do, the rationale for a preference at the next level is slimmer. So, an even slighter affirmative action preference for professional school admission, while possibly justified on similar grounds, is less important, and a little bit harder to defend, than a program at the college level (Carter 440). Also, a person who has good college achievement does not need to depend on any favor in order to be successful in future. †¦affirmative action has always been what might be called iconographic public policy – policy that ostensibly exists to solve a social problem but actually, functions as an icon for the self-image people hope to gain by supporting the policy (Steele 441). In the quote, Steele means that affirmative action appears to solve the inequality, but instead it makes people see how unequal they actually are. The deleteriousness of an iconographic social policy is that one cannot be against it without appearing to be against what it intends to represent. The white man who opposes affirmative action looks like a racist and the black looks like an Uncle Tom. This kind of policies cause to last indefinitely by hiding behind what they represent.(442). The central idea of compensation behind the affirmative action is no longer justifiable. Many people have realized that even though affirmative action has been successful and beneficiary in the past, but today it has completely lost it purpose to compensate the hurt ones and instead has raised racial tensions. It had many adverse affects on the society over last few decades and people have seen enough of them to finally raise their voice against it. One example of this could be the public poll in which 54 percent of the respondents favored the affirmative action as being good for the country. But when affirmative action was outlined as â€Å"mandatory preferences,† 75 percent of them resisted it. The reason behind this reaction is that people consider quotas as an infringement of the ideal that people should be judged as individuals, not as members of a group (Rottenberg 435). In 1995, the United States Supreme Court ruled that a federal program requiring preference based on a person's race is unconstitutional unless the preference is designed to make up for specific instances of past discrimination. This meant that affirmative action could no longer be used to counteract racial discrimination by society as a whole, but must be aimed at eliminating specific problems. In 1989, the court had made a similar decision regarding state and local programs. In addition, a federal court in March 1996 ruled against a race-based admissions policy at the University of Texas Law School (LaNoue). Undoubtedly, through different court decisions and public outrage one can see why preference is wrong, intrinsically unjust, ethically confuse. It is moreover socially counterproductive: damaging to those who practice it, injurious to the society in which it breeds, and above all cruelly hurtful to the minorities who were to have helped by it (Cohen 459). No sound principles, constitutional or moral justify discriminating by race or sex to achieve some predetermined numerical distribution of goods. The defense of preferences fails because it contradicts the equal treatment of individual persons that fair process demand (457). Time has come for us to take a good look at the notion of affirmative action. We can stop it from increasing racial tensions, barriers, unconstitutional favors, and hostility or we can wait, not take action against it and suffer its destructive consequences in future. It is a choice we have to make right now before it is too late.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Visual Persuasion: The Role of Images in Advertising Essay

Advertising is part of our daily lives as advertisers use numerous ways to attract the customer’s attention. Advertising can be referred to as non-personal communication on a corporation or its products that are broadcasted to viewers through a mass medium. All efforts to inform and convince must respect the principles of human freedom for them to be right. Highest ethics should be practiced when advertising to children. Advertisers should shape their subject to attract audiences of the scope and demographic structure sought. Advertisers should practice transparency. There should be the need for proper conduct and rapport with consumers ought to be honest and fair. . All advertisements normally use rhetoric images as well as visual effects that make these products appealing to consumers. The question is, what is the purpose for the advertisements and what makes a consumer to see the images and want to try the alcoholic product. Advertisements are normally done on TV, magazines and the radios hence are accessible to the target market in this case of whiskey advertisement the young adults.  The advertisement industry has grown rapidly in the past years as effective advertisements has led to increase in sales for companies, hence the need for companies to study all means that an advertisement can attract the attention of the potential buyer of any product. One of the most common ways of advertising in alcohol products but controversial is the use of sex to sell alcoholic products (Carstarphen et al, 114). To analyze  the advertisement of Evan Williams’ whiskey, a rhetorical triangle is used. Also included are ethos, pathos as well as logos. The target audience for this advertisement was young males and females in their late teens, mid and late twenties. The advertiser uses pathos in the advertisement by evoking emotional feelings especially from the men.To get the male side of the equation, the advertiser draws attention as well as interest, by the use of a striking, attractive young lady on the right side of the advertisement, in bright colors to draw attention to a bottle of whiskey that is right in the center of the page. The thing that makes the attention of people to stick is that the attractive young lady is in fact posing next to nothing despite being incredibly good looking. There is also a way to get female attention to the advertisement. This is done through showing a plain girl, seeming a typical girl during the younger years. Besides that, there is an image of the same little girl but now she has become a woman, very attractive, more powerful, and full of confidence and self-esteem. Then the only way to achieve that is by drinking Evan Williams Kentucky straight bourbon whiskey. (Williams) The purpose of the advertisement is to attract the young adults to consume the advertised whiskey. The first very important information that is sent across to all potential buyers is that the whiskey has been brewed for seven years before being brought to the market. With a longer period of brewing, it means that the whiskey is matured and of quality hence being attractive to potential buyers. The use of this point illustrates the advertiser’s use of logos in the advertisement as they expect the consumer to be rational in their analysis of the advertisement such that they can tell the time period the whiskey took to mature. The advertiser uses sexual stereotypes that include a blonde hair, with blue eyes as well as breasts that are large in size. The whole thing leads to the impression that sex sells (Carstarphen et al, 114). This is the advertiser appealing to the ethos. Also cannot see the trustworthiness of this advert writer and most likely there is a snobby attitude as it seems that the only way that people care about others is if they are good looking and  the less attractive are viewed unequal. This fails to comply with the ethos such that it is not ethically right. It is also difficult for the woman who is less attractive on the right side of the advertisement to  achieve similar opportunities  than the one  who appears sexually enticing to the audience.  I believe that the advertisement is showing poor ethics hence failing to comply with the industry ethos. Logically the advertisement is essentially sexual. There is the use of a scantily clad lady, who looks so attractive in bright colors, standing just next to a bottle of whiskey. The  advertiser also tries to use a slogan that will go with the product as well as its application in a completely different situation including a woman. They also show how better it gets when aged seven years. It is degrading to the woman  who appears in the advertisement since it shows  her being  ugly in the first image, and then again  in  another shot, she appears years  later  with less clothing and  make up  done,  suggesting that  she now looks better.  The problem with it is that only few women look like that hence setting the bar too high to reach for ordinary people. I would also mention that there is nothing wrong with girl on the left as she is plain and simple.  The collective responsibility of the society is drained away through wearing close to nothing in order to catch attention as well as impress.  The photo on the left looks worse because they have not done the hair. The lady also wears a shirt that’s wrinkled, simple earnings as well as a simplistic vest. The advertiser  tries to get sexual emotions in most of their alcohol advertisements. Here they have used an attractive woman standing close to a bottle of whiskey. t. The advertisement is able to connect emotionally with the consumers who eventually buy the products. The campaign makes it more differentiated in product in comparison to its competitors. The effectiveness of the advertising campaign can be seen in the responsiveness of the consumers such that they are able to consume more of the products hence an increase in the products sales revenue. This thus highlights the effectiveness of the advertisement. The target audience of this campaign is the general public more specifically, home. The effectiveness in the delivery of the advertisement is quite successful. To me, the delivery of the advertisement is easy to relate to and because of that. I could be easily convinced do consume the product. The effective delivery of the advertisement makes its more appealing to the target audience hence helps in the achievement of their desired marketing goals.There is the impression that drinking this product will make the person to get this particular woman. There is the attraction on the female emotional side whereby there is the talk of how a young decent looking woman goes on to become attractive, the impression created here being that this product makes women become very attractive. This is appealing to consumer ethos. In the advert, the younger girl who looks less attractive  seems to be less confident  but in the older picture she looks more attractive. In the newer picture, she looks more vibrant and her clothing is more sexually proactive than in her older self, where she used to cover up and dint show any skin. Therefore the advert shows that a person becomes happier if they are good looking and sexually dressed unlike when they are not good looking persons Conclusion             In conclusion, I think the use of sexual appeal is a terrible way of advertising. The problem is that all companies have adopted this way of advertising and this has led to consumption of alcohol even for the under aged. I have also noticed that the different angles of this advertisement are similar as sex is used to sell everything. The society also seems to have adapted to this type of advertisement and therefore no changes will occur any time soon hence sexually racy ads will continue to be seen in the magazines (Sell now, 89). Hopefully companies will one day do away with these types of ads and make ads that are suitable to our culture. References Carstarphen, Meta G, and Susan C. Zavoina. Sexual Rhetoric: Media Perspectives on Sexuality, Gender, and Identity. Westport, Conn: Grenwood Press, 1999. Print. Messaris, Paul. Visual Persuasion: The Role of Images in Advertising. London: Sage Publications, 2002. Print. Sellnow, Deanna D. The Rhetorical Power of Popular Culture: Considering Mediated Texts. Los Angeles: SAGE, 2010. Print. Williams, Evan. ThinkUP Cube. 2012. Web. BIBLIOGRAPHY l 1033 n.d. Evan William Whiskey Advertisement. . Source document

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Mcdonalds Energy Drink Research Report

McEnergy 1 Energy Drink Research Report For McDonalds Corporation Marketing Research, Unit 9 8 August 2011 McEnergy 2 Executive Summary The purpose of this report is to investigate past trends and forecasts of the energy drink market. Included in this report, is information on market size, target population and statistical data on growth history and growth projections. The aim is to determine if adding energy drinks to McDonalds offerings will create a profitable segment for their menu. The market research collected and contained in this report consists of secondary data. This research was authorized by: McDonalds Corporation. Current market research shows that the energy drink market has grown into a multi-billion dollar business, which has been reported as being the fastest growing segment in the beverage industry since bottled water. The US energy drink industry is expected to more than double in the 5 years preceding 2013. (Comprehensive Reviews) Eighteen to twenty-four year olds or college students are the largest segment of energy drink consumers. NutritionJ) The conclusion of this report suggests that the growth of the energy drink market has been greater than most other liquid refreshment beverage sectors in the US in the past five years and that this trend will continue. It is recommended that McDonalds Corporation add energy drinks to their offerings and target college-aged students. Introduction Fast food consumption in the US has declined during the rece nt economic crisis. To stay profitable, many fast food chains have introduced low-cost or â€Å"value† items too keep sales up. Along with low-cost items, many fast food chains have added specialized items or niche items to attract customers that can more conveniently buy these at a fast food store. McEnergy 3 Energy drinks have continued to gain popularity since Red Bull was launched in 1997. More than 500 new energy drinks were launched worldwide in 2006 and beverage companies are reaping the rewards of the exploding energy drink industry. This report examines the energy drink market and its potential to become a niche item in a fast food chain along with the population to target. Methods This report was conducted using a secondary statistical data and secondary research that was gathered using a focus group and survey of college age participants. The statistical data was obtained from New York City-based Beverage Marketing Corporation which is the leading research firm dedicated to the global beverage industry. The statistical data regarding the previous growth patterns and growth forecasts will be discussed in the results. The focus group and survey were done by Nutrition Journal and focuses on energy drink consumption patterns among college students. The survey was based on responses from a 32-member college student focus group and a field test, a 19-item survey was used to energy drink consumption patterns of 496 randomly surveyed college students. (nutritionj) The population was defined as undergraduate students at a state university located in the Central Atlantic Region of the United States. 85% of the undergraduates were 18-24 years of age, 12% were 25-40 years of age and 3% 41 years of age or older. Sixty two percent of the entire student body is female. The sampling units were individual college students that were generated with a McEnergy 4 non-probability method of asking students around campus if they would like to participate. (Nutritionj) Results Fifty one percent of participants reported consuming at least one, energy drinks a month. Thirty four percent of participant reported consuming at least two energy drinks a month. Table 1 % of college energy drink users reporting amount and frequency of energy drink consumption by situation in an average month Energy drinks consumed Days/month ________________________________________________ Situation n 1 2 >2 1-4 5-10 >10 Insufficient Sleep 169 64 22 14 74 18 8 Need general energy 165 63 21 16 74 18 8 Studying or project 125 50 36 14 85 10 5 Driving long distance 114 63 23 14 86 9 5 With alcohol 136 27 24 49 73 18 9 Treat hangover 42 74 10 16 74 14 12 N= 253 college energy drink users (nutritionj) The US refreshment beverage market grew by 1. 2% in 2010The growth of the energy drinks market is up 5. 4% in the past year. (beveragemarketing) From 2004 to 2009 the McEnergy 5 overall growth of the energy market is up over 240% (Wiley) The shift from consumption of sports drinks such as Gatorade and Powerade towards energy drinks should continue. In the last year, carbonated soft drinks remain the largest liquid refreshment beverages category but their volume slipped 0. 8% from 13. 9 billion gallons in 2009 to 13. 8 billion gallons in 2010, which resulted in their market share decreasing. (beveragemarketing) Table 2 U. S Liquid Refreshment Beverage Market Change in Volume by Segment 2009-2010 Percent Change Segments 2009-2010 RTD Tea 12. 5% Sports Drinks 9. % RTD Coffee 8. 1% Energy Drinks 5. 4% Bottled Water 3. 5% Value-Added Water 0. 2% Fruit Beverages -2. 0% Carbonated Soft Drinks -0. % Total LRB 1. 2% Source: Beverage Marketing Corporation (BeverageMarketing) McEnergy 6 Conclusion The energy drink market has grown into a multi-billion dollar business, which has been reported as being the fastest growing segment in the beverage industry since bottled water. Having grown 240% in the past five years, the only beverage sectors to grow faster that energy drinks last year were ready-to-drink tea, ready-to-drink coffee and s ports drinks. McDonalds already distributes these other three beverages and would benefit by adding the next fastest growing beverage sector, energy drinks. Despite the large market share that carbonated beverages owns, there is a demand and shift towards other beverage sectors as evidenced by a decrease in carbonated beverage market share last year. A large segment of energy drink consumers is the college-aged consumer. With over 50% of college students drinking at least one energy drink a month and 34% at least two a month, this would be a good population to target. Recommendations Include energy drinks to the offerings at McDonalds fast food restaurants. Target college-aged students with initial locations and marketing strategies. McEnergy 7 References: – Gonzalez de Mejia, E. & Heckman, M. A. & Sherry, K. (2010). Energy Drinks: An Assessment of Their Market Size, Consumer Demographics, Ingredient Profile, Functionality, and Regulations in The United States. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety. Retrieved from: http://onlinelibrary. wiley. com/doi/10. 1111/j. 1541-4337. 2010. 00111. x/pdf – West, T. (2011). The Energy Market is Still Full of Growth Potential Reports. Wholesale News. Retrieved from: http://web. ebscohost. com. lib. kaplan. edu/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer? vid=12&hid=123&sid=eeec713f-80bc-4ca6-b6ce-02c68e0f1f50%40sessionmgr112 – The US Liquid Refreshment Beverage Market Increased by 1. 2% in 2010. (March 2011). Beverage Marketing Corporation Reports. Retrieved from: http://www. beveragemarketing. com/? section=pressreleases – Aeby, V. G. & Barber-Heidal, K. & Carpenter-Aeby, T & Malinauskas, B. M, & Overton, R. F. (2007). A Survey of Energy Drink Consumption Patterns Among College Students. Nutrition Journal. Retrieved from: http://www. nutritionj. com/content/6/1/35