Thursday, October 31, 2019

Global blog project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Global blog project - Essay Example Previous Knowledge With the increase in communication between the Generation Y through social networking and the internet, word-of-mouth has greatly changed the marketing and advertising landscape. Television is fast becoming an obsolete advertising medium for Generation Y. Thus, Marketers have to evolve their practices of market segmentation and targeting in order to develop a brand or a campaign that is accepted by Generation Y. Methodology I plan to discuss the changes in advertising medium and the changes that marketing teams have to make in order to cater to Generation Y. Genre 1: Blog The following blog provides a good insight to marketers regarding the psyche of Generation Y and advertising tactics that marketers could consider: Summer Lovin' For Gen Y with Live Concerts and Mobile Marketing We (referring to the audience in general or specifically potential marketers) all know that no demographic is changing as quickly as the coveted Gen Y demographic.  We also know that for a growing number of brands, they're the segment that is not only the most important, but also the most difficult to engage. But what marketers may not know is that experiential marketing is the best and surest way to reach this elusive set, especially this summer.   Between concert festivals, outdoor sporting events, travel and the general excitement that comes from being "out for summer," the coming months are the perfect time for marketers to get out and about themselves, engaging with these consumers face-to-face. Gen Y now numbers more than 60 million. They're around town, leveraging social media and taking control of every second of their lives and most importantly they are on mobile. This summer they'll tune into whatever they want as easily as they'll tune it out. As a result, brand marketers around the world are retuning how they go to market. There are some interesting stats from a recently conducted a survey with the Event Marketing Institute, surveying several thousand Gen Y consumers. The results are surprising and would help to shape marketing plans as marketers try to reach this elusive demographic.   94% of Gen Y consumers say they would be more likely to buy a product as a result of a good experience at an event. Think about it. If someone went to a concert for an up-and-coming pop star and left wanting more, they would be more likely to buy her CD or download her single, right? But creating that "good experience" is no easy task  Ã‚   MillerCoors understands this and is ramping up mobile at every turn. Gen Y'ers is the first generation that has grown up with the internet as a normal part of everyday life and now the web is in their hands 24/7. In fact, almost half of those surveyed have posted something (a photo, a status update, a Tweet) from or during an event. Because of this proliferation of technology, Gen Y presents a different set of challenges for marketers. Marketers in all brand categories need to plan campaigns that connect w ith consumers, whether they're live or on mobile or both at the same time, and the experiences have to reach consumers' minds. Clearly, marketing to Gen Y is still a tough audience to completely crack. To succeed, marketers need a new rulebook. Here are four rules for ensuring experiences make the critical connection to the Gen Y consumer: Let them in. And we mean all the way in. It is common knowledge that savvy brands use experiential marketing to create ongoing dialogues with consumers. What one might not know is that those conversations now give

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Stats Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Stats - Essay Example The median age of the buyer is 46 years and the middle half of the buyer’s age is in-between 40 years and 52.25 years (interquartile range = 12.25 years). The minimum and maximum age of the buyers are 21 years and 73 years, respectively. There are 4 mild outliers (21, 72, 72, and 73 years) in the data, as one buyer age is under 21.6 years (below the lower inner fence) and three buyers age is above 70.6 years (above the upper inner fence). There are no extreme outliers in the data. b. As shown in the scatter diagram depicting the relationship between vehicle profits and age of the buyer, there appears a positive linear relationship between vehicle profits and age of the buyer. The profits on vehicles for younger buyers are less as compared to the profits on vehicles for older buyers. Thus, Applewood Auto Group’s marketing departments belief that younger buyers purchase vehicles on which lower profits are earned and the older buyers purchase vehicles on which higher profits are earned is correct. d. Based on the above analysis, the Applewood Auto Group should go ahead with the advertising campaign as planned. The correlation coefficient value of 0.262 suggests that there is a weak positive linear relationship between vehicle profits and age of the buyer. The coefficient of determination value of 0.068 indicates that buyer’s age explains about 6.8% variation in vehicle profit. Thus, the buyer’s age has a small effect on vehicle profit. However, since, the sample size is very large (n = 180), this relationship is statistically significant. Therefore, the Applewood Auto Group’s marketing department should use this information as part of an upcoming advertising campaign to try to attract older buyers on which the profits tend to be higher. As shown in figure 1, there appears an increasing trend in house prices in the UK, London and North East from 1986 until 2013. In the year 1986, the average house price in the London, North East and UK were

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Reflection on Social Work Group Task

Reflection on Social Work Group Task This essay is going to reflect on learning gained from a group task carried out in the unit lectures. I will explore group work theories, collaborative and inter-disciplinary working and the application of these theories in relation to the group work. I will also identify how I will develop my practice in relation to my current skills and areas for development. Finally, I will also reflect on how I have developed my self-awareness, professional values and professional development, in relation to group work task and how this will inform my future professional practice. Toseland and Rivas (2008) define group work as a goal directed activity aimed at accomplishing tasks. Members of the group have the opportunity to share ideas, feelings, thoughts, beliefs, engage in interactions and also share experiences. The group members develop feelings of mutual interdependence and a sense of belonging. Martin and Rogers (2004) define inter-disciplinary working as a team of individuals with different professions, working collaboratively with a shared understanding of goals, tasks and responsibilities. This collaborative working is needed when the problems are complex, a consensus decision is required and also when different competencies are needed. According to Cheminais (2009), the approach to the collaborative working requires clarity on roles, power, accountability and strategic planning. This was evident during the group work as the group worked collaboratively to share ideas and tasks were allocated to each member according to competencies and mutual understanding. Salas et al. (2012) states that, group work started from the perspective of people working in partnership for a common goal. The theories of group work later materialised in regard to the dynamics of group work and the they provide an understanding of human behaviour when people are working in groups. A group or team can be understood by looking at Tuckman and Jensen’s (1977) model of group formation which comprise of forming, storming, norming, performing and later adjourning. According to Tuckman and Jensen (1977), the forming stage is when the group members are establishing common interests and get to know one another with the desire to be part of the group. Martin and Rogers (2004) states that, in an inter-disciplinary team this is the stage where membership is established, team purpose is clarified, roles and boundaries are decided and interpersonal relationships begin. Tuchman and Jensen (1977) state that, storming stage may involve competing for ideas and perspectives, rules are developed and members may confront one another. Conflict may emerge and when unresolved, it can inhibit the team’s progress. There is then the norming stage when members take roles and responsibilities and an agenda is established. This stage involves belonging, growth and control. The performing stage is when the group is functional and tasks are implemented and evaluated. Finally, the adjourning stage involves the goals and objectives fulfilled and task completed. Tuckman and Jensen’s (1977) model of group formation can be applied to different settings and groups and it is easy to use. The model is flexible and can be applied regardless of type of group or task. However the model has no clear demarcation of the stages and is a linear format although the first four stages may not be in sequence. It does not explain time spent in each stage or if the stage can be repeated as some of the stages can recur for example norming and perfoming stages. (Halverson 2008) Reflecting on the unit group task, I think my group went through Tuckman and Jensen’s (1977) model group formation which included the â€Å"forming†stage in which the group purpose was clarified. The group went through the â€Å"stormimg† stage and at that point, there were disagreements on what should be included and how the task will be presented. I was in favour for a presentation using Power Point, however the majority of the group voted for a role play which I thought was not going to address all the information due to time allocated for the group to present. I was also a bit anxious for failing the task as the group had elected me to take the lead on the role play. At that time I felt that the team wanted me to do most of the task and I rejected the ideas they were putting forward. I think I did this unconsciously because I realised my actions later on when my group members gave feedback. Belbin’s (2010) work identified roles in teams which each offer positive contributions to team working. The roles include co-ordinator, evaluator, maintainer, innovator, shaper, implementer, expert, investigator, team and completer, Reflecting on Belbin’s (2010) group roles, each team member brought strength and perspectives grounded in their discipline and experience. During the group work task, I had the experience and knowledge in relation to the task and I found myself leading the group on sourcing information. I got positive feedback from my group colleagues such as, â€Å"goal oriented, researched well on the topic, contributed well and very good ideas on the role play†, however I was criticised of being inflexible with ideas of others. The feedback brought awareness on how I work with others and will help me in my practice. I think I took the role of an implementer who turns the team concepts into practical actions and plans however, inflexible and somewhat reluctant to change. However reflecting on my experience from my previous placement when I was working on a project to enable young mothers to gain independent skills, the project failed because I lost interest as a result of constraint in obtaining the resources. I think at that time I took the role of an investigator. In Belbin’s (2010) model, an investigator explores opportunities and resources from many sources however can jump from one task to another and lose interest. Looking back at it, I think this was because I tend to do things in a structured way and task oriented. The resources in the organisations did not allow me to do the task in time and I end up losing interest. I think in future I need to be flexible and think of other ways of working around the plan for the benefit of the service users. I should also seek supervision with my manager to discuss such situations as it can provide best possible support. I later understood the situation of working in an organisation team by looking at the group system theory. According to Connors and Caple (2005), group systems theory provides an understanding of working with teams or groups in an organisation. They suggested that, group systems theory is influenced by the interactions within the group and by the external environment. All the group members influence group dynamics however, the organisation in which the group work may impacts the group work with its boundaries, resources and leadership structures. I abandoned a project which was going to benefit the young mothers and in a way the community as well. Although this was due to organisational constraints, as a future social worker, I should try to balance responsibilities in a way that supports well-informed decision making, using professional judgement and accountability (British Association of Social Workers 2012). Salas et a.l (2012) state that, in order for me to be grounded in theories of group work, I need to formulate theoretical frameworks that are in alignment with my perspectives and inclinations. To achieve this I need to have knowledge of the strength and weaknesses of the frameworks I use. This will help me to select theories that are appropriate to the situation. The Health and Care Professions Council (HPCP) (2012) also states that, I should â€Å"understand the key concepts of the knowledge base relevant to social work† so as to achieve change and development. Gilley et al. (2010) suggested that the purpose of a group is to accomplish the task and for the practitioner to develop effective interpersonal skills. As a social work student, in order to work collaboratively, I need to develop skills and knowledge in decision making, effective communication and task coordination and the ability to learn from others and embrace change (DAmour et al 2005). This is imperative as I will be working in teams with other professionals or agencies. From the unit group work, I have learnt that mutual understanding and collaboration is vital for teamwork to be effective. Teamwork requires respecting each other’s values, beliefs and viewpoints and also self awareness of my own beliefs, values and perspectives (Hall 2005). I also now have an understanding of the importance of effective communication, participative decision making and accepting ideas of other when working in a team. The group work enabled me to develop skills in sharing of ideas and also how to relay and support my own viewpoint with confidence. According to Crawford (2012), I must have an understanding of my own professional identity as a social worker so as to develop confidence in myself and work with other professionals effectively. The HCPC (2012) states that, I must â€Å"be able to engage in inter-professional and inter-agency communication† and work in partnership with other agencies as part of a multi-disciplinary team. It is also vital that I develop self awareness of my behaviour and values. According to Hall (2005), as values are internalised, they can be invisible to other team members thereby creating obstacles in inter-professional working. As a result, I must make my professional values clear to other professionals I work with and also have an understanding of their values. The College of Social Work (2014) states that, as a social worker, I need to develop skills, competencies and the ability to recognise the challenges and dynamics of team-working and also have an awareness of team cultures so as to be able to work effectively in a multi-disciplinary team. The group work task and the feedback I received from my colleagues enabled me to develop awareness on how I work with others and I also managed to learn about my strengths and weaknesses. For example taking the role of an implementer I was able to execute a plan however resistant to change. I have also learnt that I need to acknowledge and appreciate the differences and adjust, adapt, and mirror interpersonal interactions when interacting with others. In future, I need to take into consideration other people’s ideas as there are different approaches to tasks and also appreciate other people’s experiences and values especially when working with professional of different background as mine. References The College of Social Work (2014) Roles and functions of social workers in England DAmour, D, Ferrada-Videla, M, Rodriguez, L, Beaulieu, M 2005, The conceptual basis for interprofessional collaboration: core concepts and theoretical frameworks,Journal Of Interprofessional Care, 19, pp. 116-131, CINAHL Plus with Full Text, EBSCOhost, viewed 14 August 2014.[emailprotected]hid=102 Claire B. Halverson, S. Aqeel Tirmizi Effective Multicultural Teams: Theory and Practice: theory and practice British Association of Social Workers (2012) The Code of Ethics for Social Work :Statement of Principles

Friday, October 25, 2019

Production Planning :: essays research papers

Production Planning Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The intention of this project is to demonstrate the function of production planning in a non - artificial environment. Through this simulation we are able to forecast, with a degree of certainty the monthly requirements for end products, subassemblies, parts and raw materials. We are supplied with information that we are to base our decisions on. The manufacturer depicted in this simulation was actually a General Electric facility that produced black and white television sets Syracuse, New York. Unfortunately this plant is no longer operational, it was closed down and the equipment was shipped off to China. One can only wonder if the plant manager would have taken Professor Moily's class in production management the plant still might be running.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Modern production management or operation management (OM) systems first came to prominence in the early half of the twentieth century. Frederick W. Taylor is considered the father of operations management and is credited in the development of the following principles. a. Scientific laws govern how much a worker can produce in a day. b. It is the function of management to discover and use these laws in operation of productive systems. c. It is the function of the worker to carry out management's wishes without question.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Many of today's method's of operation management have elements of the above stated principles. For example, part of Material Requirement Planning system (MRP) is learning how workers to hire, fire, or lay idle. This is because it we realize the a worker can only produce so many widgets a day, can work so many hours a day, and so many days a year.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I will disagree with principle â€Å"c† in that the worker should blindly carry out the wishes of management. Successful operations are based upon a two- way flow of thought and suggestions from management to labor. This two-way flow of ideas is incorporated into another modern system of operations management, the Just - In - Time system. Eastman Kodak gives monetary rewards to employees who devises an improvement in a current process or suggests an entirely new process of manufacturing. Often a small suggestion can yield a big reward when applied to a mass-produced item. Body   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In this project we are presented with the following information: bounds for pricing decisions, market share determination, the product explosion matrix, sales history (units per month at average price), unit value, setup man-hours, running man hours, initial workforce, value of inventory, on hand units. We also know that we have eight end products, four subassemblies, eight parts, and four raw materials. The eight end products are comprised entirely from the

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Baseball and Softball

Compare and Contrast Baseball and softball are similar in many ways but at the same time they are very different. To begin with, they are both played on a ball field, known to most baseball or softball players as the ballpark. The ball field for both consist of four bases that form a square, also known as a diamond. On a baseball field the bases are ninety feet apart, compared to sixty or sixty-five feet on a softball diamond. Both are played with a bat and ball; however, the bats, same in shape but not in ize, and balls, different in sizes and some times color, are as much alike as not. The bats for baseball are made out of a solid piece of wood for major league players and softball bats are made mostly of aluminum or a composite material, carbon fiber. Both are made with a narrow end, grip end, and taper up into a two and a half inch diameter barrel, hitting end, for baseball, and only two and a quarter inch diameter in softball. A base ball is about the size of an adult fist, nine inches in circumference and is hrown hard, pitched, by the pitcher in pretty much a straight line up to eighty to ninety miles an hour to a batter that is trying to hit the ball in play. A softball is about the size of a grapefruit, twelve inches in circumference and is pitched in an arcing angle and much slower. Both are made with a rubber or cork center, wound in yarn and covered with a cowhide with red stitching, but the leather on a baseball is always white where a softball usually is yellow but can be white too. They are played with the same objective of scoring the most runs by hitting a ball thrown by a player on the fielding team, the pitcher, to players on the opposing team, batting team, taking turns trying to hit the ball with a bat and get themselves all the way Josh Girt Page 2 Eng. 085 around the bases to home plate to score runs before getting out three times which can be ccomplished in many ways that are the same in both games. There is a given amount of innings which is a total of nine innings for baseball, and softball is only played for seven innings. Teams switch between bating and fielding after the fielding team makes three outs; furthermore, one at bat by each team constitutes an inning. As you can tell that these games, sports, are similar in lots of ways and at the same time are very different.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Cultural Anthropology

Culture is a well organized unity divided into two fundamental aspects – a body of artifacts and a system of customs – Mammalians. â€Å"Humans cannot eat, breathe, defecate, mate, reproduce, sit, move about, sleep or Ill down without following or expressing some aspect of their society culture. Our cultures grow, expand, and evolve. It is their nature. † – Marvin Harris. The culture of a people is an ensemble of texts, themselves ensembles, which the anthropologist strains to read over the shoulders of those to whom they properly belong. † Geezer, Balinese Cockfight (p. 2). â€Å"Man is an animal suspended in webs of significance he himself has spun. I take culture to be those webs, and the analysis of it to be therefore not an experimental science in search of law but an interpretative one in search of meaning. † Greet, Interpretation of Cultures (p. 5). â€Å"People do not realize how greatly culture Influences their behavior until they co me across other ways of doing things. † â€Å"Culture is learned behavior. † A person is not born with a culture. Culture is universal. Every human being possesses it by virtue of their biological state. Cultural Anthropology) Is Inherently pluralistic, seeking a framework In which the distinctive perspectives of each culture world can be appreciated. † â€Å"[Cultural practices are meaningful actions that occur routinely in everyday life, are widely shared by members of the group, and carry with them normative expectations about how things should be done† (Gooding, Miller and Sessile, 1995). â€Å"A collective name for all behavior patterns socially acquired and socially transmitted groups. † Dictionary of Sociology and Related Sciences. Culture is a civilization†¦ s that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man (sic. ) as a member of society. † – Edw ard Taylor â€Å"Culture embraces all the manifestations of social habits of a community, the reactions of the individual as affected by the habits of the group in which he lives, and the product of human activities as determined by these habits. † -Franz Boas. Coloratura Anthropology focuses on how language, customs, and culture in general develop.Cultural Anthropologists compare and contrast the vast range of cultures with the popes of better understanding â€Å"the diversity of human behavior, and ultimately to develop a science of human behavior. † – Fried,J. Cultural Anthropology. What is traditional (or folk) culture? â€Å"Traditional culture is the habitual behaviors or thoughts of any given social group, and there is not only the chance of customary behaviors occurring; customary behaviors are expected and generally required by members of the society (Smith- Seymour, 1986).Folk culture is a model of the peasant community characterized by economic self- efficiency, intimate social ties, the strong role of ritual and tradition, and the relative isolation from urban centers. The concept of folk culture is that it represents an attempt to characterize the values and social structure of traditional, rural communities existing within complex societies. What methods do they use to study culture? Fieldwork: visiting and living among a particular people.Mapping, inventories, census, behavior protocols, questionnaires, projective tests, collecting genealogies, kinship terminologies, oral traditions, recording cases, and racing networks† (Hunter and Whiten, 1976). In order to study these cultures, ethnographers had to become part of them. Live with the people for extended periods of time. To study different groups of people, the scientists had to become immersed in their study. One important qualification that anthropologists should possess is a strong awareness of their won culture.Although it is necessary for Anthropologists to be a s culture tendencies in order to comprehend another's culture. Therefore, absolute objectivity, which would require that the Anthropologist have biases, and in research exult no culture at all, should be given up in favor of a relative objectivity based on the characteristics of one's own culture. The Anthropologist is forced to include himself and his own way of life in his subject matter.In order to study others, and to study culture in general, the Anthropologist uses his own culture. What is material culture? Culture involves much more than behavioral traits; it includes all produced artifacts – tools, art, books and texts, etc. â€Å"Probably no other country in the world has such high regard for material culture as the United States. â€Å"Cultural materialism is a type of analysis that looks at ecology and economics for explanation of cultural beliefs and practices.It tries to explain cultural habits in terms of basic needs. ‘A cultural materialist view of hist ory looks for relationships between the use of new technologies, population booms, the material improvement of life, and the collapse of civilization† (fisher, 1986). What is cultural diffusion? â€Å"The worldwide tendency of human populations to share and pool creative efforts which are in origin locally known and used. † -David Hunter. Cultural Anthropology Construct a model of cross-cultural misunderstanding, using the information presented by Lee in this article. There are many cross-cultural misunderstandings including language barriers, the way people speak and interpret words, as well as actions performed. /ontah experienced these cross-cultural misunderstandings in the remotest corners of the Kalahari Desert, while living by the Bushman. Every year the people would slaughter an ox and feast and dance in celebration during Christmas time./ontah decided to buy the biggest ox he could find; he was proud of it until the ! Kung people started ridiculing his kill by saying that it was too thin to feed all of the people. They continued to say that Christmas would be a disaster, and that they would all go to bed hungry. This troubled /ontah because he was sure that he had a fat ox, but many men assured him it was only big boned. He searched for a replacement but could not find it.On the day of Christmas, they cut into the ox, and /ontah w as saying how big and fat the ox is and how the people must be out of their minds. The ! Kung started laughing and /ontah could not understand why. He soon found out that the whole time they had been tricking him in believing that his ox was worthless, when they were actually excited to eat it on Christmas. 3. Why do you think the ! Kung ridicule and denigrate people who have been successful hunters or who have provided them with a Christmas ox?Why do Americans expect people to be grateful to receive gifts? The ! Kung like to fool each other to make sure that their people don’t become arrogant. When one man â€Å"brings home the bacon,† then he starts to believe that he is the big man of the group and will boast of his superiority. Eventually, his pride could cause him to kill other people. Therefore, the people treated /ontah the same way they would treat any other Bushman, especially because /ontah provides tobacco to the people.The Bushman had good intentions by hid ing the true meaning of their actions and words, even though it did not make sense to /ontah. It was part of their tradition, which is different from American tradition; in America, most people are taught to be grateful for any gift they receive and not to complain. For example, â€Å"you get what you get, and you don’t throw a fit† is a common saying repeated to children at school. This story shows that the reasoning behind an action may have different meanings in separate cultures.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Issues Around The Elderly And Mental Health Social Work Essay Essays

Issues Around The Elderly And Mental Health Social Work Essay Essays Issues Around The Elderly And Mental Health Social Work Essay Essay Issues Around The Elderly And Mental Health Social Work Essay Essay these people are now in their retirement old ages ( Summers Et Al, 2006 ) , and our population now contains larger per centum of older people that of all time. In society today elder people are going the fastest increasing population in the UK, National Statistics ( 2009 ) states that the population of the UK is ageing. Over the last 25 old ages the per centum of the population aged 65 and over increased from 15 per cent in 1983 to 16 per cent in 2008, an addition of 1.5 million people in this age group . Due to the addition of the ageing population we are now seeing emerging wellness and societal attention issues in our society. Many older people will be active, involved within the community, and independent of others. However, as you get older it is natural to see hurting, a diminution in mobility or mental consciousness. Mind ( 2010 ) states that the most common mental wellness jobs in older people are depression and dementedness. There is a widespread belief that these jobs are a natural portion of the ageing procedure, but this non the instance ; it can get down as early 40 but is more common in older people ( Royal college of Psychiatrists, 2009 ) , nevertheless, there merely 20 per cent of people over 85, and 5 per cent over 65, have dementia ; 10-15 per cent of people over 65 have depression ( Mind, 2010 ) . It is of import to retrieve that the bulk of older people remain in good mental wellness. Dementia chiefly affects older people, although it can impact younger people ; there are 15,000 people in the UK under the age of 65 who have dementia ( Alzheimer s society, 2010 ) . However, currently 700,000 or one individual in every 88 in the UK have dementia, incurring a annual cost of ?17bn, and the London School of Economics and Institute of Psychiatry research calculated that more that 1.7 m illion people will hold dementia by 2051 reported by BBC intelligence ( 2007 ) . The word dementedness comes from the Latin demens intending without a head . Mentions to dementia can be found in Roman medical texts and in the philosophical plants of Cicero. The term dementedness came into common use from the eighteenth Century when it had both clinical and legal intensions. Dementia implied a deficiency of competency and an inability to pull off one s ain personal businesss. Medical usage of the term dementedness evolved throughout the nineteenth century and was used to depict people whose mental disablements were secondary to get encephalon harm, normally degenerative and frequently associated with old age ( Kennard 2006 ) . From the twentieth century onwards scientific cognition was supplemented through the scrutiny of the encephalon and encephalon tissue which was founded and performed by a physician Alois Alzheimer ( Plontz, 2010 ) . The National service model ( Department of Health, 2001, p96 ) now defines dementia as a clinical syndrome characterised by a widespread loss of mental map . The term dementia is used to depict the symptoms that occur in a group of diseases that affect the normal on the job maps of the encephalon. This can take to a diminution of mental ability, impacting memory, thought, job resolution, concentration and perceptual experience, besides jobs with address and apprehension ( Mind, 2010 ) . Dementia is progressive, which means the symptoms will bit by bit acquire worse. How fast dementedness advancements will depend on the person. Each individual is alone and will see dementedness in their ain manner ( Alzheimer s society, 2010 ) . Symptoms of dementia include: Loss of memory, Mood alterations, and Communication jobs. In the ulterior phases of dementedness, the individual affected will hold jobs transporting out mundane undertakings, and will go progressively dependent on other people, two tierces of people with dementia live in the community while one 3rd live in a attention place ( Alzheimer s society, 2010 ) . There are many types of dem entedness, and some of the causes of dementedness are rarer than others, Alzheimer s disease is the most common cause, damaged tissue builds up in the encephalon to organize sedimentations called plaques and tangles , these cause the encephalon cells around them to decease ( Royal college of Psychiatrists, 2009 ) . Other most commonly known is vascular disease, Dementia with Lewy organic structures, Fronto-temporal dementedness. Largely, patients themselves do non show to the clinician with dementedness, owing to gradual oncoming and denial of the job. There is no remedy for dementedness but there is medicine that will assist to decelerate down the patterned advance of the disease. When happening aid for dementedness it is normally the primary carers, health professionals, protagonists, spouses or household members who initiate inquiring aid and a diagnosing ( Brodaty, 1990 ) . Depression may be misdiagnosed as dementedness the difference being that people who have depression are more likely to be cognizant of their issues therefore are able to discourse them, whereas person with dementedness may non be able to make this due to their symptoms. However, the Mental Capacity Act ( 2005 ) states that every individual has the right to do their ain determinations and must be assumed to hold capacity unless otherwise proven and people should be supported to do any determinations. Under the MCA, you are required to do an appraisal of capacity before transporting out any attention or intervention ( Office of the public defender, 2009 ) . The Mental capacity act is an act that protects single rights and ensures that the individual s autonomy is non taken. It is based on best pattern and creates a individual, consistent model for covering with mental capacity issues and an improved system for settling differences, covering with personal public assistance issues and th e belongings and personal businesss of people who lack capacity. It puts the person who lacks capacity at the bosom of determination devising and places a strong accent on back uping and enabling the person to do their ain determinations ( Office of the public defender, 2009 ) . However, even with a construction in topographic point to protect person s rights and autonomies many people who have dementia are more vulnerable to mistreat due to their deficiency of capacity. The University College London research revealed that a 3rd of carers admitted important maltreatment , in entire 115 carers reported at least some opprobrious behavior, and 74 reported more serious degrees of mistreatment ( Cooper et Al, 2009 ) . Health professionals can besides be on the having terminal of verbal or physical maltreatment directed at them by parents or partners who are confused and angry over worsening mental capacities due to stroke and Alzheimer s disease. In some instances, Alzheimer s disease or other signifiers of dementedness may do the patient to be uncharacteristically aggressive ( Coyne, 1996 ) . It is merely in recent old ages that maltreatment of the aged has become more evident, Crawford Et Al ( 2008, p122 ) argues that over clip it has really easy come to the attending of people in the last 50 old ages that abuse does really be behind closed doors ; in the 1950 s older people lived in big households where issues were hidden, and in the 60 s to 70 s older people started populating entirely or in residential places and it was non until the early 80 s that maltreatment had started to be recognised and defined. Penhale and Kingston ( 1997 ) argue that over the old ages it has been hard to underscore the issues of maltreatment due to non happening a sound theoretical base to which an understanding of a standard definition can be made and applied. Action on senior maltreatment ( 2006 ) defines elder maltreatment as A individual or repeated act or deficiency of appropriate action, happening within any relationship where there is an outlook of trust, which causes injury or hurt t o an older individual . Abuse comes in non merely physical maltreatment it comes besides in sexual, psychological, neglect, favoritism and fiscal every bit good. Older people may be abused by a broad scope of people including household members, friends, professional staff, attention workers, voluntaries or other service users, maltreatment can besides be perpetrated as a consequence of deliberate, carelessness or ignorance ( Royal pharmaceutical society ( RCA ) , 2007 ) . Maltreatment can happen in a assortment of fortunes and topographic points such as, in ain place, in a residential or twenty-four hours attention puting or infirmary and can by more than one individual or administration. Pritchard ( 2005 ) asserts that we will neer hold a true image of the prevalence of senior maltreatment due to the unreported instances, and can merely number 1s that are known to administrations and services. Most maltreatment is still unreported due to victims being frightened, ashamed and embarrassed to describe the maltreatment, non gaining their rights or non being able to due to tier mental wellness. Summers et Al ( 2006, p7 ) points out that those legislative acts that make abuse condemnable are frequently uneffective due to them non being utilised by the victim , and this means that this will be the biggest challenge and barrier for alteration in acquiring people to recognize the graduated table of the job and raising awareness so that the authorities agree to alter the statute law to protect older people. Abuse of any sort should non be ignored and there should be statute law to protect grownups from maltreatment like there is in kid protection, people who recognise the extent of senior maltreatment argue why should adults be treated as 2nd category to kids, is their agony and deceases any less of import? The Alzheimer s Society ( 2010 ) states that abuse of people with dementedn ess should be considered in the same manner as kid maltreatment . Crawford and Walker ( 2008, p12 ) province that prejudice refers to an inflexibleness of the head and idea, to values and attitudes that stand in the manner of just and non judgmental pattern . Thompson ( 2006, p13 ) defines favoritism as the procedure in which difference is identified and that difference is used as the footing of unjust intervention. A barrier to recognizing the maltreatment of people with dementedness and older people is that of societal stigma, negative perceptual experiences and intensions of words for mental wellness, such as baffled or doddering. Confused is something that we all experience at some clip in our lives, whereas senile is a more complex word and the first recording of its use was impersonal significance refering to old age, but now has negative intensions linked to mental diminution due to age ( Crawford and Walker, 2008 ) . Therefore, disputing people s perceptual experiences needs to done to alter these societal concepts to enable a alteration i n statute law and protection of vulnerable grownups. In March 2010 the section of wellness ran a series of runs to turn to hapless public apprehension of dementedness which included Television, wireless, imperativeness and on-line advertisement having real-people with dementedness ( Department of wellness, 2009 ) . In 2009 the first of all time dementia scheme was launched that hopes to transform the quality of dementedness attention, It sets out enterprises designed to do the lives of people with dementedness, their carer s and households better and more fulfilled It will increase consciousness of dementedness, guarantee early diagnosing and intercession and radically better the quality of attention that people with the status receive. Proposals include the debut of a dementia specializer into every general infirmary and attention place and for mental wellness squads to measure people with dementedness ( Department of wellness, 2009 ) . However, this is non statute law it is merely a scheme for covering with people with dementedness. The authorities are recognizing that there is small protection for vulnerable grownups and that farther statute law demand to be put in topographic point and saying that dementedness attention is a precedence ( BBC intelligence, 2007 ) . At present, there is no 1 particular statute law which straight protects vulnerable grownups, alternatively the applicable responsibilities and powers to measure and step in are contained within a scope of statute law and models, such as the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and Mental Health Act 2007 and the national service model for older people. One of the subjects for national service model ( NSF ) is esteeming the person which was triggered by a concern about widespread violation of self-respect and unjust favoritism in older peoples entree to care. The NSF hence leads programs to undertake age favoritism and to guarantee that older people are treated with regard, harmonizing to their single demands, specifically in standard 2 it relates to individual centred attention ( Crawford and Walker, 2008, p8 ) . And outlook of NSF is that there must be systems and processes put in topographic point to enable multi bureau working. In 2000 the authorities published No secrets which is counsel that requires local governments to put up a multi bureau model which includes wellness and the constabulary with a lead individual ( grownup societal attention ) to transport out processs into the allegations of maltreatment whilst equilibrating confidentiality and information sharing ( Samuel, 2008 ) . No Secrets is merely guidance and does non transport the same position as statute law, the LA s conformity is assessed through an review procedure, hence the LA can with good ground choose to disregard the counsel ( Action on senior maltreatment, 2006 ) . This has concerned bureaus who want to see the protection of grownups given the same tantamount precedences as kid protection and believe that statute law is the lone manner to carry through this. A reappraisal of No Secrets counsel has been carried out in 2008 and consulted with over 12000 people ( Department of Health, 2009 ) , the study found that over half ( 68 % ) of the respondents were in understanding to new safeguarding statute law and 92 % wanted local safeguarding boards to be placed on a statutory terms and still there is no statute law to protect vulnerable grownups ( Ahmed, 2009 ) . A recent article in community attention told the failure of the authorities to perpetrate to doing a policy has merely strengthened candidates fight and given rise to unfavorable judgment ( Ahmed, 2009 ) . The demand to protect vulnerable people brought about the protection of vulnerable grownups strategy ( POVA ) which is run by the Department of Health to modulate and supervise the employment of staff in the societal attention work force, through this strategy a list of people who are unsuitable to work with vulnerable people is unbroken. More late, the Safeguarding of Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 which was launched in 2008 replaced POVA with the Independent Safeguarding Authority ( IDeA, 2009 ) . The job with this is that maltreaters of dementedness sick persons are normally household member or informal carer that are under considerable emphasis and may non having aid from within the wellness and societal attention system, hence, an opprobrious state of affairs can transport on for some clip until the state of affairs is found by an foreigner. This state of affairs may merely be found when a informal carer starts inquiring for aid, and when informed of the state of affairs it is good pattern and indispensable to do certain that carers are acquiring the aid they need which can forestall the opprobrious state of affairss. Under the 1995 Carers ( Recognition and Services ) Act carers are entitled their ain appraisal of demand and by making so this may let for reprieve or payments to be made for their services ( Parker Et Al, 2003 ) . University College London research workers who interviewed people caring for relations with dementedness in their ain places stated within their research that Giving carers entree to reprieve, psychological support and fiscal security could assist stop mistreatment ( Cooper et al,2009 ) . When working with relations who are carers it is of import to retrieve who is the service user, although it is of import to determine the wants of the comparative it should non overrule the wants of the service user, this is particularly true when there is a break down in the attention of the service user and the carer wishes the service user to be p laced in attention. Many older people with dementedness receive attention in a residential place ; this may be due to household member no longer being able to get by with the attention of the individual. The local authorization has a responsibility to measure the demands of a individual with dementedness guaranting that their wants are heard and equal attention is put in topographic point. Assessment is an on-going procedure, in which the client participates, the intent of which is to understand people in relation to their environment ; it is a footing for be aftering what needs to be done to keep, better or convey about alteration in the individual, the environment or both ( Anderson Et Al, 2005 ) . The problem with puting people with dementedness in attention places is there are non plenty attention places specifically for people with dementedness and people end up in a place that do non hold trained staff to get by with single demands of person with dementedness, hence, people s wants may non be heard. As portion of the joint appraisal procedure it is the societal workers function to determine the wants of the person, this is done by measuring their demands in an holistic manner which includes and medical and societal facets of the individual. If there is uncertainty as to the mental capacity of the individual so a mental capacity appraisal will necessitate to be acquired by inquiring to joint buttocks with community psychiatric nurses ( CPN ) . Priestley ( 1998 ) states that the community attention reforms established the rule of joint working between wellness and societal services governments as a precedence for effectual attention appraisal and direction with societal servi ces taking the lead function . In decision at that place seem to hold been many displacements in the way of how policy and processs model and counsel attention for people with dementedness, although there is still no steadfast statute law to protect them. However, there seems to be more acknowledgment of the issues that surround dementedness and future ends are towards the preparation of people to understand those issues so that professionals are able to cover with the complex demands of a individual with dementedness. Word count 2969

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Sibling Rivarly

The Love and Hate between Siblings: Sibling Rivalry One moment children can look like cherubs cuddling on a Christmas card. At other times when a parent turns their back- a full-scale brawl erupts between the siblings. â€Å"Mom, she’s in my room getting into things again!† â€Å"Dad, he won’t stop looking out my window!† â€Å"Me first! Me first!† So children don’t always get along. In fact, sometimes they seem to genuinely despise each other. Think back to childhood. How well did you get along with your siblings? As long as there are brothers and sisters there will be sibling rivalry. This doesn’t mean parents have to sit back and watch their children tourcher each other. The term ‘sibling’ refers to children who are related and living in the same family (Child Development Institute 1). It’s not strange to here the word sibling; however it is the word â€Å"rivalry† that catches society’s attention. The term â€Å"rivalry† is usua lly about something that one sibling has that the other sibling wants. Sibling rivalry has existed since the human race began. Think back to Biblical times and Joseph’s problems with his brothers (Child Development Institute 1). The Bible records the first murder case of sibling rivalry- Cain; the first-born was irrated at constantly having to help take care of his younger brother, Abel. The story of Cain and Abel had a tragic ending; Cain became so angry he killed Abel (Faull 88). Though sibling rivalry is an age-old obsession, surprisingly few formal studies have not probed the psychological impact of conflict between brothers and sisters; nor have they examined how parents arbitrate those disputes (Barovick 91). Many parents follow the popular lore: it’s best for the siblings to work it out for themselves. A study published in Development Psychology found that most parents follow the popular lore’ even the parents feel the popular is ineffective. Over the years... Free Essays on Sibling Rivarly Free Essays on Sibling Rivarly The Love and Hate between Siblings: Sibling Rivalry One moment children can look like cherubs cuddling on a Christmas card. At other times when a parent turns their back- a full-scale brawl erupts between the siblings. â€Å"Mom, she’s in my room getting into things again!† â€Å"Dad, he won’t stop looking out my window!† â€Å"Me first! Me first!† So children don’t always get along. In fact, sometimes they seem to genuinely despise each other. Think back to childhood. How well did you get along with your siblings? As long as there are brothers and sisters there will be sibling rivalry. This doesn’t mean parents have to sit back and watch their children tourcher each other. The term ‘sibling’ refers to children who are related and living in the same family (Child Development Institute 1). It’s not strange to here the word sibling; however it is the word â€Å"rivalry† that catches society’s attention. The term â€Å"rivalry† is usua lly about something that one sibling has that the other sibling wants. Sibling rivalry has existed since the human race began. Think back to Biblical times and Joseph’s problems with his brothers (Child Development Institute 1). The Bible records the first murder case of sibling rivalry- Cain; the first-born was irrated at constantly having to help take care of his younger brother, Abel. The story of Cain and Abel had a tragic ending; Cain became so angry he killed Abel (Faull 88). Though sibling rivalry is an age-old obsession, surprisingly few formal studies have not probed the psychological impact of conflict between brothers and sisters; nor have they examined how parents arbitrate those disputes (Barovick 91). Many parents follow the popular lore: it’s best for the siblings to work it out for themselves. A study published in Development Psychology found that most parents follow the popular lore’ even the parents feel the popular is ineffective. Over the years...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Analysis of target marketing and market segments

Analysis of target marketing and market segments The analysis of Target Marketing, Marketing Mix and its application to different market segments are very much important to understand while segmenting the market. Segmentation is also quite essential for a business, because satisfying all the customers with the same product is very much difficult, so in order to get the positive market response, it is better to offer your product to the specific segment. The identification and analysis of the buyer behaviour also have a great impact on a business. Qatar airways are leading airline in air industry so this report is concern with this airline. PURPOSE, SCOPE AND LIMITATION The purpose of this report is to analyze the Target Marketing, Marketing mix, its application on market segmentation of Qatar airways. Tried best to get the maximum information about these issues, but due to limitation of provided time and space, it is not very much detailed report. SOURCES AND METHODS In preparing this report, hints have taken from Syllabus book of Marketing, although Internet also paid an important role in its preparation. The sites visited for references are also mentioned in the reference list. REPORT ORGANIZATION This report evaluates the Qatar airways Target Marketing, Marketing mix, also to understand segmentation process along with determination of buyer behaviour importance for a business. MARKETING ENVIRONMET All companies work within a Marketing Environment. Environment consist all the forces acting on the company .Now Environment is dividend into two types MICROENVIRONMENT MACROENVIRONMENT. MICRO ENVIRONMENT These are internal factors close to the company that have a direct impact on the organizations strategy. Factors of micro environment includes Customers Distributors Employees Suppliers Shareholders Media Competitors Customers Customer’s satisfaction is the key to success of an organization. This is achieved by fulfilling the changing requirements of customers; failure to do so will result in a failed bu siness strategy. Distributors If there were not any distributors to supply your products you could not have distributed your product at right time and right place. This shows that distributors play an important role. Employees Employees are very much important factors of micro environment. Keeping the skillful staff and their motivation are essential parts of the strategic planning process of an organization, particularly in service sector marketing. Suppliers Buyer’s good relation provides competitive edge. Supply of raw material on time is also very necessary for an organization successful business strategy, because in this way organization can provide products to the customer on time. Shareholders Shareholders investment can improve or decline company’s progress. Their part (dividend) in the profit affects the company’s cash flow a lot. Media Media support or conflicts affect an organization very much. Positive or adverse media attention on an organizations p roduct or service can in some cases makes or breaks an organization. Competitors Competitor’s analysis and monitoring is crucial if an organization is to maintain its position within the market.  The only success technique in the market is to provide customer with the better quality product than the competitor. MACRO ENVIRONMENT These are the factors, which have the influence on an organization externally. These are the widespread factors. These are called â€Å"PEST analysis†.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Promotion & Information Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Promotion & Information Systems - Essay Example The use of social networks and location based services have opened a door on the privacy of individuals that can be exploited by advertisers, but also by those who have ideas that can use that information for criminal purposes. Location based services are designed to provide information based on tracking the location of the user through the use of the cell phone. Several services can be provided through location based services, including turn-by-turn navigation or finding someone or something. GPS navigation allows the user to have a moment by moment update of how to achieve finding a location. Using location based services to find a specific need, such as asking the application to find the nearest business that provides a certain product or service, allows for quicker mobility and access to businesses. The technology is engaged as the user’s location is stored through a location provider object which is then configured to the specification of the builder of the application in order to react in a way that creates a benefit for the application that is being created (Fitzek & Charaf, 2009, p. 199). The use of the website Twitter has been designed to provide a short description of what is being done by the user so that followers can know what they are doing at any given moment. Foursquare, however, has developed the use of business and services and the reporting of that use so that networks of friends are updated regularly into a game that rewards users with badges and sometimes free goods and services from businesses based on the reported use of those businesses through the website combined with the application on the smart phone. According to Levinson & Gibson, (2010) using the gathered information about a competitor and its patrons can provide a business with the ability to contact those patrons and provide a special Twitter coupon in order to divert users of one business to your own competing business.

The Great Gatsby Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

The Great Gatsby - Essay Example This paper intends to examine how Jay Gatsby as a figure whose "hopefulness" is in conflict with his "conditions" in terms of his personal, professional, and social life. For one, the novel presents Gatsby as a wealthy, well-renowned businessperson who has all the power that he needs. Actually, he is a successful man, but according to the analysis of the novel, one thing is for sure, he has no friends. Although the novel tends to evade shading adequate light on the issue of Gatsby’s profound lonely life, analytical response to the novel suggests that may be it is because of the things that he used to do that challenged his ability to have friends (44). The only close people that he met are just his business associates and sometimes the throngs who came over for his Saturday parties. In this context, it is seeable that Gatsby’s personal conditions conflicted with his hope for a friendly association. He hopes to get along with friends, but as it seems, he does not have an y just business associates leaving his world a place for just hope. Additionally, Gatsby’s professional conditions conflicts directly with his hope for a long, loving life with Daisy. ... Therefore, he had many things to do and his profession required him to be always busy with his plans. Hence, there was no time to associate with people so that he could make friends and probably stay with his loved one. His Saturday parties filled with throngs explains his lack of close friends whom he can just spend the evening together (56). Based on this fact, it is agreeable that Gatsby was just a figure whose sense of hopefulness conflicted with his professional and personal life as well. Gatsby social life is yet another factor that makes him a mere figure of hopefulness. The novel discusses a story of people’s lives in the Jazz era particularly conceptualized by the entrance of a new culture, the ecstasy of money and wealth, class as well as the predominant presence of the vast â€Å"wasteland† in between and among these social conditions. Under this spectrum, the novel shows that the social conditions of Gatsby made him a hopeful man since he lived in West Egg, which is a representation of a place whose dwellers appear desolated. According to the social arrangement of the locations in Long Island where the story takes place, the West Egg, where Gatsby lives, represents homage for people with new acquired money (70). In short, it is a place for the rich while the East Egg represents homage for people whose hardworking skills remain disposable to rich people like Gatsby to exploit. Thus, it is conclusive that his social life denied him substantial companionship since there were differences between social classes during those times. Again, Gatsby was a rich man, and as the narrator suggests social class differences created a rift between people during the postwar era, which is when Fitzgerald

Consumerism in Contemporary America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Consumerism in Contemporary America - Essay Example The paper entails a personal perspective in regards to the lessons learned from â€Å"The Year Without Toilet Paper† and â€Å"Thoreau’s Worst Nightmare† articles. The â€Å"Year Without Toilet† Paper falls within the article of â€Å"No Impact Man†, which is about Beavan, a man desiring to conserve the environment by neglecting commodities produced through modern technology. Beavan decides to live on earth and ensures there is a use of affirmative commodities for the safety of nature. The â€Å"Thoreau’s Worst Nightmare† describes how different the early life of Walden is compared to the life of his children. Consumerism refers to a situation where states desire to safeguard the interest of consumers pertaining to the products they (consumers) access, commodity pricing, and content of adverts. Consumerism in America entails an interest in improving consumption of manufactured products. Cornyn states that changes in American’s economic status led to a concern in the economic sector. Poor quality production in the manufacturing industries contributes to changes in customer preferences and hence decreases in the product demand. Services offered to customers determine the desire to go for other products of lesser costs to satisfy individual’s taste. Low incomes in the market industry disabling the processing departments result from a decrease in the selling of products. The belief that security required during business transactions is by government officers, company accountants, and organization inspectors seized to be truly certain grounds. The reason for the belief being false is because of increase in knowledge of people owning business entities. People with diversity in professional knowledge operate in different departments to guarantee growth of organizations under less expense.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

History of Transportation in America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

History of Transportation in America - Essay Example During this time period, transportation in America was initially slow, tedious, and difficult. There were limited choices of transportation and they were all exhausting. Variations on the horse and buggy were the most popular means of transportation, which was adequate for journeys across town, but not for longer trips. Longer trips were very costly as well as dangerous. Covered wagon crossings were notorious for their hazards yet did not deter the pioneer spirit. The Civil war had both a positive and negative effect on transportation in America. Parts of the country - most notably the South were in ruins, and many citizens were bankrupted by the war and thus unable to travel. The B&O railroad suffered severely during Confederate raids. In one summer alone, Stonewall Jackson made off with fourteen locomotives. (Stover 1970) However many advancements were made in the name of warfare including a larger transportation system that was previously used to help move troops. With the development of the transcontinental railroad, and the final meeting of the two lines in 1869 transportation became more significantly easier. The project was originally established in the Pacific Railway Act of 1862. It quickly surpassed the former means of travel such as stagecoach lines and wagon trains. The achievement of a uniform gauge for the railroad tracks greatly assisted in the development of the transcontinental railroad. (Stover 1970) Also of note was the development of a uniform time zone system, allowing the trains to arrive and depart on a agreed upon schedule. (Stover 1970) The outcome of these advances led to drastic changes in the landscape of the country. The far reaches of the country were now reachable with a little bit of time and money. What would have previously taken months, and a significant risk and investment was now accessible for $65 and a 7 day train ride. (Stover 1970) Unit 2 1877-1920 Transportation in the time period between 1877-1920 was a fast paced race to development. Advancements in railroads continued, while the automobile, electric cable systems, and underground railway (subway) systems began their rapid growth. Socially speaking, Americans were now on the move with easier access to both personal and mass transit. Mass transit systems of electric cars became commonplace in the 1880's and 1890's, replacing the roads previously clogged with horses and buggies. (Carson 1999) The first underground subway system was built in Boston and opened in 1897. This allowed city dwellers to travel within their city with relative ease and comfort. Inter-city travel was still primarily by either train, or traveling along the mail route roads on some sort of horse-driven apparatus. People who resided further out in the country were still rather isolated as the only transportation accessible was the railways which usually ran only between larger cities with few stops in between. (Carson 1999) The railroads also catered to the wealthier clientele, leaving the common passenger looking for an alternative means of transportation. Then, the automobile arrived. The automobile is a four-wheeled vehicle powered by an internal combustion engine. It was the result of a series of inventions which began in 1769 with Cugnot's steam-powered road vehicle. A breakthrough in

Culturological Assessment of Domestic Violence Against Hispanic Women Essay

Culturological Assessment of Domestic Violence Against Hispanic Women - Essay Example (Powell 1) The purpose of this paper is to evaluate three aspects of domestic violence as it relates to Latinas. A review of the broad societal issues inherent within this ethnic community, an idea of some of the specific reasons why Hispanic women will stay in an abusive relationship, and a look at a few of the cultural values that make this segment of the population particularly vulnerable will yield insight into the problem and its intricate components. To gain a more complete understanding of the domestic violence plague faced by women in the Hispanic community, it is important to understand the broad contributory issues specific to the Latin community at large. Without over-simplifying the factors that contribute to domestic violence perpetrated against Hispanic women, there are three general segments of social integration which are understood to pre-condition these women to a higher risk of incidence of abuse; acculturation, citizenship status, and economic condition. Acculturation is the process of acquiring the different traits and social patterns reflected in the new society. It is the natural human adaptation to a different environment. We know that the "process of acculturation to American values and norms is an important factor influencing help-seeking behavior." (Yoshioka 172) Other studies suggest that this progression of acclimating to a foreign atmosphere "has been found to affect the risk of partner violence." (Frias 554) The course of adjusting to a new society is particularly fraught with hazard for Hispanic women. Whether it is the challenge of learning a new language or developing a sense of belonging, the degree to which an individual has been assimilated into her surroundings impacts her ability to respond to a crisis, particularly one of violence in her home. The calculus is fairly straightforward; the more comfortable a woman is within her new world, the better equipped she is to deal with the adverse circumstances into which d omestic abuse thrusts her. Surprisingly, the citizenship status of individuals has a direct bearing upon the frequency and severity of domestic violence. Generally, it is clear to the casual observer that non-citizens "have taken enormous risks and...continue to be threatened daily with a fear of deportation and the ever-looming presence of the INS." (Community Partnership 1) The stress associated with large-scale disruption of life and home can easily contribute to an environment of hostility between domestic partners. Specifically, studies show that "immigrant women who arrived before the age of 15 are at a higher risk of partner violence." (Frias 561) While the minutiae of various causes of this phenomenon may be debated, citizenship status appears to impact the resolve of these women to end the domestic abuse cycle. It could be posited that once citizenship is established, there is an emotional ownership of the new country that reduces a woman's willingness to tolerate abuse in the home. The economic situation of Hispanic women also has a role to play in domestic violence.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Research paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 19

Research Paper Example They also serve to secure internet traffic. Just like a Wide Area Network, it connects multiple sites and servers over a long distance. The most important aspect of a virtual private network is its emphasis on privacy, because when a client computer connects to the internet through a VPN, its initial IP address is replaced by the one provided for by the VPN providers. For Example, a person’s physical location is Washington, but while using a virtual private network he appears to live in Brussels, this clearly shows that users obtain IP addresses from the area the VPN provides (Stewart 2011). In order to get access or connection into a virtual private network, one must have a username and password, mostly provided for by the service provider. On a computer, a VPN client is normally used, or you can access a special website, you enter your correct authentication details, then the computer exchanges information with the remote servers and once verification has taken place, connection happens and all the information and internet data is encrypted and secured from on lookers. Software developers have also developed applications for smart phones to also take advantages of accessing the internet safely through a VPN, by using certain protocols such as PPTP and L2TP/IPSec. Computers also uses PPTP VPN connections, OpenVPN and L2TP/IPSec protocols use an open source software known as OpenVPN client and authentication details configured into a certificate that you download and run on the client (Yuan & Strayer 2001). A virtual private network has many protocols of which can be utilized to secure the flow of information over a public network with the only difference between these protocols being how each keeps the data safe and secure (Geier 2014). IP Security protocol (IPSec), is one of the major protocols used to obtain a secure connection over the internet, it is a combination of many

Culturological Assessment of Domestic Violence Against Hispanic Women Essay

Culturological Assessment of Domestic Violence Against Hispanic Women - Essay Example (Powell 1) The purpose of this paper is to evaluate three aspects of domestic violence as it relates to Latinas. A review of the broad societal issues inherent within this ethnic community, an idea of some of the specific reasons why Hispanic women will stay in an abusive relationship, and a look at a few of the cultural values that make this segment of the population particularly vulnerable will yield insight into the problem and its intricate components. To gain a more complete understanding of the domestic violence plague faced by women in the Hispanic community, it is important to understand the broad contributory issues specific to the Latin community at large. Without over-simplifying the factors that contribute to domestic violence perpetrated against Hispanic women, there are three general segments of social integration which are understood to pre-condition these women to a higher risk of incidence of abuse; acculturation, citizenship status, and economic condition. Acculturation is the process of acquiring the different traits and social patterns reflected in the new society. It is the natural human adaptation to a different environment. We know that the "process of acculturation to American values and norms is an important factor influencing help-seeking behavior." (Yoshioka 172) Other studies suggest that this progression of acclimating to a foreign atmosphere "has been found to affect the risk of partner violence." (Frias 554) The course of adjusting to a new society is particularly fraught with hazard for Hispanic women. Whether it is the challenge of learning a new language or developing a sense of belonging, the degree to which an individual has been assimilated into her surroundings impacts her ability to respond to a crisis, particularly one of violence in her home. The calculus is fairly straightforward; the more comfortable a woman is within her new world, the better equipped she is to deal with the adverse circumstances into which d omestic abuse thrusts her. Surprisingly, the citizenship status of individuals has a direct bearing upon the frequency and severity of domestic violence. Generally, it is clear to the casual observer that non-citizens "have taken enormous risks and...continue to be threatened daily with a fear of deportation and the ever-looming presence of the INS." (Community Partnership 1) The stress associated with large-scale disruption of life and home can easily contribute to an environment of hostility between domestic partners. Specifically, studies show that "immigrant women who arrived before the age of 15 are at a higher risk of partner violence." (Frias 561) While the minutiae of various causes of this phenomenon may be debated, citizenship status appears to impact the resolve of these women to end the domestic abuse cycle. It could be posited that once citizenship is established, there is an emotional ownership of the new country that reduces a woman's willingness to tolerate abuse in the home. The economic situation of Hispanic women also has a role to play in domestic violence.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Internal combustion engine Essay Example for Free

Internal combustion engine Essay In the next ten years what the average American drives will be very different than today. Electric cars may phase out gasoline (Gasoline is also known as petrol) in the next couple of decade. Electric cars produce no tailpipe emissions and are much cheaper to fill up than the more common gasoline vehicles. Switching to electric cars will have more benefits than drawbacks in comparison to other fuels such as petrol and diesel. In order to switch to electric cars Americas electric capacity will have to increase. In the next few years electric cars will also have new upgrades to increase practicality, range and longevity which may convince people to switch. The only major concerns in the market today is an electric cars driving range and the number of charging stations available across the nation. These problems are likely to be solved within the next decade. Although some Americans do not want to buy a fully electric vehicle yet there are many benefits to owning one. One of the main reasons people are considering them is because the low cost of powering an electric vehicle. â€Å"Drivers struggle with gasoline prices well over four dollars a gallon, and a cumulative 60 billion dollars was spent on gasoline during the past year alone†(CalETC). Electricity ismore cost effective to run than when using gasoline. The equivelent cost of elctricity is a dollar or more per gallon. Electric cars also provide the convenience of powering up at home if ones work is close enough for the battery to take them there and back. Today’s electric cars have a range of about 100 miles on a single charge. When someone comes home they plug it in and charge it for the next day. Most people do not drive far on day to day basis. â€Å"Most people would be able to benefit from a car they drive to work and charge overnight†(Truett). The average person only goes to work and back and maybe stop at a nearby store before going home. Some auto makers in the future will have solution to the charging issue. â€Å"Some future cars will have an emergency gas engine that kicks in when the battery is low†(Truett). Although these kinds of cars already exist the car will not travel very far on the battery alone which increases the need for the gasoline engine for some current cars. In the future hybrid cars will have an even smaller engine that will be used less frequently because the car will have a larger capacity battery. Another benefit that electric cars have is more horsepower and torque than petrol cars. The best current electric cars are from Tesla. â€Å"Teslas roadster has tons of power, great handling and looks better than a Prius†(White). Tesla cars achieve multiple advantages in the way they are built by putting the battery in the middle of the car increasing its center gravity. Some auto makers might follow in the foot steps of Tesla and implement these improvements in their entry level electric cars. Most automakers will not make them as fast as a Tesla car. â€Å"Automakers invest their engineering talent in more efficient cars and new technologies rather than horsepower wars†(Espejo). Automakers will produce electric vehicles that will be comparably as fast as an average petrol car. However electric motors have many advantages that many consumers would want. In terms of power and running efficiency an electric motor produces its maximum torque and efficiency at any rpm (rotations per minute) rather than any piston engine which must speed up to reach maximum torque and running efficiency. The piston engine design requires a reciprocating piston which must change directions throughout the four stroke engine cycle and must also use engine power to turn a camshaft to open the valves to draw fuel and air into the chamber and also let exhaust out. This makes it much less efficient than an electric motor which only has one turning output shaft and nothing else but a single speed transmission. Electric cars do not waste fuel while idling like a conventional engine design. Having fewer moving parts that need to be serviced periodically electric motors do not need as much maintenance as petrol engines. In America electric cars are in the beginning phase of catching on in the market. While there are some negatives to electric cars such as â€Å"24 percent mention they have concerns about having access to recharging stations†(Mealia). This is the biggest concern among people that are considering switching to electric vehicles. Although some states are starting to put charging stations in cities charging stations are still nowhere as available as gas stations nationwide. One misconception of electric cars is that they have zero emissions. â€Å"They do however have upstream emissions†(Kliesch). These upstream emissions can come from a coal fired power plant. Depending on where one lives there may be no emissions produced. Only if the electricity generated is from a renewable resource there will be no emissions. Right now, America does not offer the capacity to charge the amount of electric cars needed on a mass scale. â€Å"states are working to get more power stations†(Wald). As more states begin putting power stations the demand for electric cars will go up. More power stations will make people consider purchasing an electric car for their next vehicle. Even the government is giving people incentives to switch electric cars. â€Å"Obamas stated goal of putting 1 million electric cars on the road by 2015(Rascoe). While the government provides encouragement and tax deductibles on people with high efficiency vehicles that could encourage a lot of people to consider buying one. This will make owning an electric car much cheaper to own with the added benefit of low cost charging. Until charging stations become more widely available across the nation the electric car market will not take off very quickly. Some of today’s and future improvements will make people want to buy an electric car. Another type of vehicle with an electric motor is a hybrid which uses a electric car system as the main drive train and a small petrol engine to turn a generator to recharge its battery. In the near future the lithium ion batteries that are used to power the car will undergo a major upgrade. â€Å"developers have added ultra capacitors that prevent the battery from peaking in power which improves the life of the battery†(Truett). With the added battery life this will make some electric ecus able to have a longer drive range than most petrol ears of today. This improvement also makes the batteries overall lifespan greater too because it puts less stress on the battery. Electric motors will also be useful for big trucks too â€Å"BMW plans to use a 2 mode transmission that can tow and drive efficiently†(Truett). This system will provide the capability of towing large capacities and when there is not such a heavy load drive with maximum efficiency. While electric cars provide a promising future it will be a few years before they will be more common than petrol cars. As of now petrol cars are more practical than electric cars but they are much more expensive to run which is the greatest selling point of owning an electric car. In conclusion electric cars may phase out petrol cars in America because of how inexpensive the cost of owning and running one is. Many people are ready for the switch but are waiting for their old car to die or are waiting for a higher availability of public charging stations in their area. It would be best to wait a couple of years before buying an electric car so it has been upgraded with longer lasting batteries and high efficiency drive train. In a couple of years there will be more electric cars available so you can choose from more options. Electric charging stations will cost less to operate because there will not be no need to deliver fuel to the pumps it would also be cheaper to produce an electric charging station because there will not be large gasoline reservoirs underground and the charger will not need a complicated system to pump energy into the vehicle. The range issue electric cars currently face will likely be solved soon by more efficient batteries and gear systems. Disclaimer: this document is no way related to the author or be used against them in the form of turnitin. com. Works Cited CalETC Posts Report on Electric Cars and Drivers Fuel Bills. Professional Services Close Up (2012)ProQuest. Web. 17 Jan. 2014. Espejo, Roman. Cars in America. Detroit, Mich: Greenhaven Press, 2010. Print. Truett, Richard. I [ybrids 101. Automotive News. 02 Mar. 2009: 17. eLibrary. Web. 12 Nov. 2013. Kliesch, James. WHY ELECTRIC CARS ARE CLEANER. Mother Earth News Feb 201 I: 58. 62. 64. ProOuest, Web. 25 Oct. 2013. Mealiea, Wallace. Electric Cars? Bring Em on! Electric Perspectives 37. 1 (2012): 12 ProOuest. Web. 23 Oct. 2013. White. B, Joseph. , lives on the Road: The Surge in Electric Cars. Wall Street Journal. 16 Dec. 2009: Dl. eLibrary. Web. 12 Nov. 2013. Wald. Matthew L. 8 States Teaming Up to Support Electric Cars. New York Times. 25 Oct 2013: p. B. 1. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 29 Oct 2013. Rascoe, Ayesha, and Deepa Seetharaman. U. S. Still Dedicated to Electric Cars, but Deadline no Longer Important, Energy Secretary Says. Oakland Tribune]an 31 2013. ProOuest Web. 6 Nov. 2013. The log of hours I submitted saved blank for some reason.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Influence of Promotional Activities on Fast Food Buying

Influence of Promotional Activities on Fast Food Buying Dining out in Pakistan is an exciting and rich experience. In Pakistan food has many different styles with many great restaurants in all the major cities of Pakistan. Fast food trend is quite new in Pakistan. It was introduced in Pakistan about two or three decades ago and it is growing very fast which indicates that this type of food industry have a very bright future in Pakistan. Fast food is pre-prepared food or which can be quickly cooked when you order for it. Two major fast food restaurants having strong presence in Pakistan are Mc Donalds and Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC). Fast food restaurants attract customers through different techniques in which promotional tools are widely used. Our research is based on the hypothesis that several promotional techniques like coupons, new product, value deals, price discounts and promotional deals are having influence on fast food consumers buying behavior or not. A research has been carried out which is based on the consumers response to s urvey which involved questions regarding several promotional techniques used in fast food. CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION The concept of sales promotion could easily be understood by considering this simple example â€Å"Suppose you visit the market to buy any product and there it is suggested to you that if you buy two of that product then you will get an extra piece according to their scheme. You will be delighted to know that you are saving money of that extra piece of product given to you. That extra piece can be a product used on a regular basis which you can keep for later use. These are exactly the sales promotion techniques for increasing sales of a certain product which every business person wants for the sales of goods that he deals in and he can use many different ways for this purpose. Some of those methods you might have heard about such as â€Å"Win a tour to Dubai†, â€Å"20% extra on a large pack†, â€Å"Scratch and win†, â€Å"Free gifts like lunch box, pencil box and shampoo sachet, â€Å"Buy one get one free† etc. In every industry, promotions are key sources of increasing sales of products. Fast food industry is one of the industries which very much rely on its foods promotion to increase the sales. For this purpose, it practices several techniques including price discounts, coupons, new product and offer different deals to attract its customers. Every organization wants a greater share of the total customer market and for this purpose it becomes very important for organizations to know their consumers reactions and responses towards their promotional campaigns in order to implement them successfully. Now we will look at fast food industry and its presence in Pakistan. FAST FOOD RESTAURANTS Fast food restaurants are those restaurants where no table service is provided. Its a self service restaurant and food is ordered only at a counter. The term fast food is the term used for food which is prepared and served very quickly with precooked ingredients. Fast food restaurants represent one of the largest segments of the food industry. Some of the largest players in this category include international giants like McDonalds, and Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC). FAST FOOD RESTAURANTS IN PAKISTAN Fast food chains are becoming increasingly commonplace in nations around the world. Many American based companies have expanded into and are thriving in the global market. The concept of fast food restaurants was introduced in Pakistan in the early 1980s. There are several fast food chains operating in Pakistan but two of them are very dominant. A brief introduction of these fast food chains is given below. MCDONALDS Mc Donalds was opened in 1940 by brothers by Dick and Mac Mc Donald in San Bernardino, California. McDonalds opened its doors in Pakistan in September 1998 at Lahore and presently operating in almost every major city with a network of several restaurants in each city. McDonalds Pakistan has an aggressive plan to expand in all over Pakistan and is rapidly growing with the passage of time. It has a strong presence in Pakistan with locations in Lahore, Karachi, Hyderabad and Islamabad. KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN (KFC) The company was founded as Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) by Colonel Harland Sanders in 1952. KFC has a strong presence in Pakistan. In Pakistan its locations include Lahore, Peshawar, Islamabad and Karachi. KFC opened its first outlet in Gulshan-e-Iqbal in 1997 and today KFC has several branches in main metropolitans throughout Pakistan which include Karachi, Lahore, Gujranwala, Sukkur and Murree with more than 60 outlets nationwide. FAST FOOD DEVELOPMENT IN PAKISTAN Our nation has been denoting a fast food nation as we look around. We see them on road corners, shopping areas, petrol pumps and even in hospitals whether is an international franchise of fast food or a lo al burger wala, people spend extra money on burger and French fries as compared to other food; in a very short time period our civilization has become faster paced and attracted to this style of dining out. Dining out is an important part of our emerging lifestyle as compared to the past as it was considered as an unusual luxury. Children are also an important market targeted by fast food because they offer special value meals for them. The young generation who considers it faster is the potential high fat fast food consumers. The fast food environment is not considered only for eating but for enjoyment also today, keeping in mind the several activities practiced in fast food especially for children such as birthday, get together parties and other unforgettable occasions. Several p romotional activities are practiced in order to attract the new customers and to retain the existing one. Now lets look at some sales promotion approaches used by fast food restaurants. COUPONS A coupon is a printed document that can be exchanged for reduction when buying a product. Basically coupons are issued by manufacturer of a product which is used as sales promotion method. Coupons usually fall into three categories. (1) Absolutely free, (2) Discounted, (3) Buy one get something. These are often seen in newspapers and magazines and packs. PRICE DISCOUNTS Price discounts are incentives offered to consumers in order to catch their attention. Actually price discounts is the initiative which give consumers feeling of receiving some additional value by not paying a certain percentage of amounts of that product such as 10%, 20% or 50%. This is one of the most commonly used ways to convince customers to increase their purchases. PROMOTIONAL DEALS In the fast food industry, different deals are offered to its customers better suited to their needs and requirements as it is a quick service food. Such kinds of deals are known as midnight deals and lunch deals etc to provide value to customers. VALUE DEALS Value deals are those deals offered by fast food restaurants to their customers as value for their money. Fast food restaurants come up with these attractive ideas by offering some extra amount of food with a minor difference of amount. For example, upsizing the meals by paying extra smaller amount or getting 20% for the same price. NEW PRODUCTS Fast food chains such as Mc Donalds and KFC introduce new products to its consumers in different seasons to attract new customers and keep hold of the existing customers by offering/ adding something new in their menu. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM The objective of sales promotion is to market activities in order to add the basic value of a product or services which encourages people to purchase. As the fast food industry is growing in Pakistan and obviously the reasons are speed, convenience and price. People are now more attracted towards fast food with the introduction of different promotional offers which suits customers in different occasions and timings. The rapid rate at which the fast food industry continues to include promotions to its menu to attract its customers is as much a reflection of consumer attraction towards those promotions itself. Therefore, with an emphasis on sales promotional activities, its impact on sales and consumers responses towards them is going to be analyzed. The main purpose of this research is to study the different independent variables which could encourage fast food consumers to dine in the fast food franchises. To investigate the consumers behavior/ response towards sales promotion in fast food industry, Consumers can have a positive or no response to sales promotion. PURPOSE OF STUDY The purpose of this research is to investigate the influence of promotional activities practiced in the fast food restaurants. For this purpose some important and most practiced promotional approaches which are used in fast food franchises are taken which are given below: Price discount Coupons Promotional deals Value deals New products RESEARCH SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS The scope of this research is to investigate the influence of several promotional activities practiced in fast food restaurants. These are some limitations imposed on this study: Respondents are randomly selected and mostly were youngsters and college/university students because they are more attracted towards fast food and definite users. Access to fast food franchises was limited in order to meet respondents inside because they did not allow. The questionnaire was filled by researcher from respondents outside the franchises. Lack of response from some respondents. THESIS STRUCTURE This thesis consists of four chapters. Chapter 1 discusses the problem about which the research was carried out and in general about the fast food industry and its scope in Pakistan. Chapter 2 is about the literature review. In Chapter 3, researcher describes the methodology adopted including sources of information and data collection methods are discussed. In chapter 4, the experiential data collected through questionnaire is analyzed and results are concluded on the basis of a survey. Conclusions are drawn and necessary recommendations are suggested. CHAPTER II- LITERATURE REVIEW In todays competitive environment it is very important for marketing managers to utilize the complete variety of marketing mix tools to achieve maximum result and one of these marketing tools is sales promotion which has been very important in the food retail division(Sue Peattie; 1998). Nowadays several promotional tools such as coupons, bonus packs, free samples and sweepstakes are very commonly practiced activities offered by manufacturers to its consumers but the next step which is the consumer response to these activities has not been understood well in this regard (Chem L. Narayan and P.S. Raju; 1985). So keeping in mind the importance of consumers reactions and response towards promotional campaigns of organizations in order to implement these promotional activities successfully, the influence of these promotional activities on sales and consumer decision is going to be analyzed. Promotional campaign is an attempt to influence the consumer buying decision; and promotional stra tegist is a functional behavioral analyst who finds the nature of the response towards any promotional activity and seriously weighs up the facts and support provided by the respondents via behavioral research in order to achieve utmost results and efficient findings (Peter L. Wright; 1973). The impact of advertising on the purchasing behavior of the consumer has been acknowledged in the marketing literature while the impact of promotional activities has given lees consideration (Deborah L. Owens, Michael Hardman, Bruce Keiller). Advertising has a much closed relation with sales promotional tools. Sales promotion is consist of short term incentives to encourage purchase or sale of a product or service while advertising offers reasons to buy a product or service. Sales promotion offers reasons to buy now (Kotler, Principles of Marketing). Recently the use of promotional activities has availed noticeably increased attention due to the effectiveness of easily measurable and manuscript promotional campaign as compared to advertising campaign. This investigation has been intended to assist managers of marketing and sales departments in order to implement various consumer promotions efficiently in a combined marketing program. The usage graph of sales promotions has gone up significantly in few years and one of the major reasons for this is that effectiveness of sales promotions is very much easier to calculate than the effectiveness of advertising campaign (Deborah L. Owens, Michael Hardman, Bruce Keiller). There are some internal factors and external factors which contribute in the growth of sales promotional activities. The main internal factor is the acceptance of sales promotion as an effective sales promotion technique by the product managers because they face greater pressure by top management to increase their current sales while external factors include large number of brands and then the increasing competition among them seeing that the competing brands are less differentiated. Third, advertising efficiency has declined because of changing economic conditions, rising costs and media disorder (Philip Kotler), (Chem Narayan and P.S. Raju; 1985). Given the importance of sales promotional techniques the most important decision for marketers is to choose the mixture of suitable sales promotional activities (Philip Kotler), (Chem Narayan and P.S. Raju; 1985). The modern fast food uprising basically was originated in the US in 1950s and since then this style of cuisine has captured the whole world. Fast food is seen as a symbol of globalization and post-modern society and the world is attracting to this style of food (Yasser Ibrahim, Claudio Vignali; 2005). The fast food industry is more global now and international fast food expenditure goes on to enhance in popularity (Ali Kara, Erdener Kaynak, Orsay Kucukemiroglu; 1997).In the developing countries a very little research has been done on fast food and its consumers thus a very little is known about fast food consumers. Timothy J. Richards and Luis Padilla in 2007 has found that promotional activities increase the market share of the company and also expand the fast food demand generally. This shows that promotional activities influence the buying decision of fast food consumers due to price change. Promotions obviously contain a great impact on buying decision. What is important to keep clear is the process through which consumers act in response to these offers. This understanding is very important for successful scheming of promotions as well as for assuring the minimum harmful causes of other communication elements (Meryl P. Gardner, Roger A. Strang). A very little work has been done in the past concerning consumers perceptions and preferences for fast food industry. Previous researches done on fast food industry have been limited to the features of fast food consumers in terms of demographic and socio-economic factors while a very little attention has been given to study the behavior and attitude of fast food consumers (Ali Kara, Erdener Kaynak, Orsay Kucukemiroglu; 1997). Consumer behavior is expected to be found fairly different as compared to the developed countries in view of the fact that these countries are mainlyinfluenced by social, political and economic conditions (Raju, 1995). It can be forecasted that the concept of fast food in developing countries is different than developed countries and their perceptions and attitudes differ as compared to international fast food industry in the industrialized countries (Brady and Robertson; 1999; Watson; 2000; Eckhardt and Houston; 2002). It has been acknowledged that marketing m anagers and strategist should have sufficient knowledge and understanding of consumers perceptions and preferences of dining out in fast food restaurants and how they are diverse across cultures and countries. This understanding will help in targeting countries and their different cultures in order to promote fast food culture and to improve and modify the perception of fast food restaurant there to increase the demand of the consumers (Ali Kara, Erdener Kaynak, Orsay Kucukemiroglu; 1997). Fast food restaurants practice several types of promotional activities throughout the year in which coupons are the most used promotional tool. Coupons have grown by more than 500% in the last decade which proves the importance of coupons (Chakravarthi Narasimhan1984) and coupons are the representative among other promotional tools like new product offers, promotional deals and price discounts etc. It is well acknowledged in the marketing literature that coupons have immediate impacts on sales (Jeongwen Chiang 1995). Fast food restaurants offer consumer a mixture of tangible and intangible elements. Here the purpose of the study is to examine the influence of promotional activities on consumer decision in fast food industry. Several big fast food giants are engaged in satisfying consumer needs and Kentucky fried chicken (KFC) is the leading fast food franchise satisfying its consumer needs followed by Mc Donalds, Subway and Mr. Burger. CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY DATA COLLECTION Two types of sources are used in data collection for any research function which are primary and secondary data. In this research study, both types of sources are operated. Secondary data is obtained from the books, articles, research journals, and internet while primary supply of data is dependent on questionnaire survey. According to the requirement the researcher is dependent on both the sources for academic and experimental data. We are very much relying on the questionnaire survey results for empirical data because limited information is available on promotional activities and its influence on consumer buying behavior in Pakistan. RESEARCH AND TESTING INSTRUMENTS Questionnaire has been used for surveys for this research and for testing purpose SPSS has been used as a testing tool. During the analysis of data in SPSS researcher has used technique of one sample T- test. FEEDBACK FORM For the purpose of data collection about different promotional tools and its influence on consumer buying behavior in the fast food restaurants a questionnaire has been used. Information regarding the influence of different promotional activities offered in fast food restaurants on consumer buying behavior is availed by knowing the satisfaction and agreement level with every promotional activity independently offered in fast food. QUESTIONNAIRE TESTING T o detect weaknesses in the instrument a questionnaire testing was conducted. According to Malhotra (2003), pre-testing refers to the testing of the questionnaire on a small sample of respondents to recognize and to get rid of likely trouble. For such purpose the researcher filled out 10 questionnaires from fast food consumers. Burns and Bush (1998) suggested that a pre-test of 5-10 representative questionnaires is usually adequate to spot the problems in a questionnaire. SAMPLING For this thesis, the influence of different promotional activities on consumer buying behavior was carried out through a survey of consumers of selected fast food restaurants. A questionnaire was filled out from 100 respondents in a good environment in order to avoid any hustle and weak response. SAMPLE SIZE The sample size of research is 100 respondents. It includes the following: Male/ Female Age group: 20 years or above Employed/ unemployed Fast food consumers Karachi based HYPOTHESIS h3= Price discounts influence purchase decision of fast food consumers. h3= Coupons influence purchase decision of fast food consumers. H3: Promotional deals influence purchase decision of fast food consumers. H4: Value deals influence purchase decision of fast food consumers. H5: New product influence purchase decision of fast food consumers. CHAPTER IV: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In our finding the statistical test which has been applied is the one sample t-test. One sample t-test compares the mean value of a sample (computed from a set of observed values) with the hypothesized mean value so this is the easiest test to understand and determine the likelihood or the difference between sample score and hypothesized values. Following is the output of our research. We compared the mean level of our output to a known test value of 4 because 4 is our agreement level. First see the descriptive statistics. The mean of our samples are the following: Price discounts = 4.0 New products = 3.9933 Coupons = 3.9767 Promotional deals = 3.9033 Value offers = 3.8767 The above mean values are closest to the test value of 4. Price discounts is having the highest mean value 4 which is equal to the test value of 4 and then new products have mean value (3.9933) and followed by coupons (3.9767), promotional deals (3.9033) and then value offers (3.8767). Now, see the results of our one sample t-test: Our T-value for each observation is: Price discounts = 0.000 New products = -.111 Promotional deals = -1.219 Value offers = -1.559 Coupons = -.306 The cut point of T-value is 1.5. If the T-value is greater than 1.5 then the significant value becomes lower and goes to significant level. We have 99 degrees of freedom. Our significance values are: Price discounts = 1.000 New products = 0.912 Promotional deals = 0.226 Value offers = 0.122 Coupons = 0.760 It means that the mean difference is not significant and the test value which is (4) â€Å"Agreement level† is equal to the mean value of price discounts, new products, promotional deals, value offers and coupons and there is no significant difference between the test value and the mean values of the sample. ACCEPTED HYPOTHESIS: Following hypothesis has been accepted: h3, h3, H3, H4, H5 Based on statistical test and results of above table, following hypothesis has been accepted and it was found that these factors influence the consumer buying behavior in fast food restaurants. h3= Price discounts influence purchase decision of fast food consumers. h3= Coupons influence purchase decision of fast food consumers. H3: Promotional deals influence purchase decision of fast food consumers. H4: Value deals influence purchase decision of fast food consumers. H5: New product influence purchase decision of fast food consumers. CONCLUSION A very little research has been done so far on fast food consumers and their buying behavior as well as promotional activities practiced by fast food restaurants and its influence on consumer buying decision. To the best of my knowledge, the research work done so far of fast food outlets have been limited to the explanation of the characteristics of the fast food consumers in terms of demographic and socio-economic factors and some work is done on the restaurants brand equity and their competitiveness while a very small number of consideration has been related to the fast food consumers behavior and attitude orientation. Research conducted by Syed Mehdi Raza and Tariq Jalees in 2005 measures the brand equity of fast food chains operating in Karachi. Timothy J. Richards and Luis Padilla believe that fast food promotion is a major cause of the obesity. The purpose of the learning is to understand the influence of promotional activities on the buying behavior of fast food consumers. For findings we apply the One Sample T-test to check the significant impact of all selected variables, it was found that the all variables (Coupons, Price discounts, Promotional deals, value offers and new products) significantly influence the buying behavior of fast food consumers. The results of the study have shown very optimistic response from fast food consumers for the influence of promotional activities in fast food restaurants. Consumers really think and appreciate that promotional activities influence their dining out decision in fast food restaurants, it also affect their frequency of dining out in fast food and they think that promotional activities should be offered by fast food restaurants.